1. 简单百科
  2. 刘彦随


刘彦随,男,1965年4月生,陕西绥德人,共产党员,博士生导师,从事土地科学 (土地利用、土地退化与土地评价)等领域的研究工作。




2018年11月27日,当选发展中国家科学院院士院士,担任中国土地学会副理事长(2017-)、国际地理联合会农业地理与土地工程委员会主席(2016-) ,国家精准扶贫成效第三方评估专家组组长(2015-),中国城乡发展智库联盟理事长(2015-),中国农业资源与区划学会副理事长(2014-)、中国地理学会农业地理与乡村发展专业委员会主任(2008-)。中国科学院大学教授,陕西师范大学南京师范大学海南省江西省江苏省黑龙江省,陕西铜川市榆林市人民政府顾问,国家《全国国土规划纲要(2011-2030年)》咨询委员会专家、《全国土地整治规划(2011-2020年)》专家顾问。








“十二五”国家科技支撑重点项目“空心村综合整治的关键技术研究与示范” (2014BAL01B00)










国家“973”项目课题“北方干旱化对土地、水资源和粮食安全的影响及适应对策” (2006CB400505)

国家“十二五”科技支撑重点项目“空心村综合整治的关键技术研究与示范” (2014BAL01B00)

国家“十一五”科技支撑项目专题“全国耕地和基本农田保护体制研究” (2006BAB15B05)

中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“快速城镇化中农村空心化及资源环境效应” (KZCX2-EW-304)

中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目课题“村庄用地整治潜力与规划研究” (KSCX-YW-09)

中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目课题“东北地区农业水土资源态势与可持续对策” (KZCX1-SW-1901)

国土资源部重点科技项目“中国土地利用/土地覆被变化的驱动机制与模型研究” (20110102)











Liu Yansui. Introduction to land use and rural sustainability in China. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74: 1-4.

Liu Yansui, Li Jintao, Yang Yuanyuan. Strategic adjustment of land use policy under the economic transformation. Land Use Policy, 2018, 74: 5-14.

Zhou Yang and Liu Yansui*. China's fight against soil pollution.Science, 2018, 362(6412): 298.

Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng. Revitalize the world's countryside.Nature, 2017,548 (7667) :275-277.

Liu Yansui, Liu Jilai, Zhou Yang. Spatio-temporal patterns of rural poverty in China and targeted poverty alleviation strategies.Journal of Rural Studies,2017 (52): 66-75.

Liu Yansui, Yang Yuanyuan, Li Yurui et al. Conversion from rural settlements and arable land under rapid urbanization in Beijing during 1985-2010.Journal of Rural Studies, 2017 (51) :141-150

Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang,Li Yurui. Ventilating Beijing cannot fix pollution.Nature,2016,532(7600):441-441. doi:10.1038/532441c

Liu Yansui, Yan Bin, Zhou Yang. Urbanization, economic growth, and dioxide emissions in China: a panel cointegration and causality analysis.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(2): 131-152.

Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng, Chen Cong, Pollution: Build on success in China, Nature, 2015,517(7533):145-145. doi:10.1038/517145d

Liu Yansui, Zhou Yang, Wu Wenxiang. Assessing the impact of 种群, income and technology on 能量 consumption and industrial pollutant emissions in China. Applied Energy, 2015 (155) :904–917.

Liu Yansui, Chen Cong, Li Yurui. Differentiation regularity of urban-rural equalized development at prefecture-level city in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(9): 1075-1088.

Liu Yansui, Guo Yanjun, Li Yurui. GIS-based Effect Assessment of Soil Erosion Before and After Gully Land Consolidation: A Case Study of Wangjiagou Project Region,Loess Plateau. Chinese Geographical Science, 2015, 25(2): 137-146.

Zhou Yang, Liu Yansui, Wu Wenxiang. Effects of rural–urban development transformation on 能量 consumption and CO emissions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2015: (52):863–875.

Yang Ren, Liu Yansui, Long Hualou, Qiao Luyin. Spatio-temporal characteristics of rural settlements and land use in the Bohai Rim of China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(5): 559-572.

Han Jichang, Liu Yansui, Zhang Yangang.Sand stabilization effect of feldspathic 砂岩 during the fallow period in Mu Us Sandy Land. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(4): 428-436.

Wang Guogang, Liu Yansui, Li Yurui, et al. Dynamic trends and driving forces of land use intensification of cultivated land in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(1): 45-57.

Liu Yansui, Li Yuheng. China’s land creation project stands firm. Nature, 511(24 July 2014):410-410. doi:10.1038/511410c

Bai Xuemei, Shi Peijun,Liu Yansui. Realizing China’s urban dream. Nature, 2014 ,509(8 May 2014):158-160. doi:10.1038/509158a

Liu Yansui, Fangfang, Li Yuheng. Key issues of land use in China and implications for policy making. Land Use Policy,2014,40:6-12 .DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol2013.03.013.

Liu Yansui, Yang Ren, Long Hualou, Jay Gao, Wang Jieyong. Implications of land-use change in rural China: a case study of Yucheng, Shandong province. Land Use Policy,2014, 40:111-118.

Liu Yansui, Hu Zhichao, Li Yuheng. Process and cause of urban–rural development transformation in the Bohai Rim Region, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(6): 1147-1160.

Guo Yanjun, Liu Yansui, Wen Qi. The Transformation of Agricultural Development towards a Sustainable Future from an Evolutionary View on the Chinese Loess Plateau: A Case Study of Fuxian County. Sustainability, 2014, 6: 3644-3668。

Gong Jianzhou, Chen Wenli,Liu Yansui. The intensity change of urban development land: Implications for the city master plan of Guangzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 2014,40: 91-100.

Li Yurui,Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Community-baSED rural residential land consolidation and allocationcan help to revitalize hollowed villages in traditional agriculturalareas of China. Land Use Policy,2014, 39: 188-198.

Liu Yansui, Wang Guogang, Zhang Fugang. Spatio-temporal dynamic patterns of rural 面积 development in eastern coastal China.Chinese Geographical Science, 2013, 23(2): 173-181.

Liu Yansui, Yang Ren, Li Yuheng. Potential of land consolidation of hollowed villages under different urbanization scenarios in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2013, 23(3), 503-512.

Liu Yansui, Lu Shasha, Chen Yufu. Spatio-temporal change of urban-rural equalized development patterns in China and its driving factors.Journal of Rural Studies, 2013, (32): 320~330.

Lu Shasha,Liu Yansui, Long Hualou. Agricultural Production Structure Optimization: A Case Study of Major Grain Producing 面积, China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(1): 184-197.

Wang Jieyong,Liu Yansui, Liu Zhigao. Spatio-temporal pattern of cropland conversion in response to the “Grain for Green Project” in China’s Loess Hilly Region of Yanchuan County. Remote Sensing, 2013,5(11):5642 – 5661.

Li Yuheng, ZhangZhenghe,LiuYansui. Spatial-temporal contrasts in integrated urban-rural development in China, 1990-2010.China: An International Journal, 2013,11(3): 1-19.

Li Yurui,Liu Yansui,Long Hualou,Wang Jie-yong. Local responses to macro development policies and their effects on rural system in China’s mountainous regions: the case of Shuanghe Village in Sichuan Province.Journal of Mountain Science, 2013,10(4): 588-608.

Wang Jieyong,Liu Yansui. Tourism-led land-Use changes and their environmental effects in the Southern Coastal Region of Hainan Island, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 2013,29(5):1118-1125.

Chen Yangfen, Wang Jieyong,Liu Yansui, Xiande Li. Regional suitability for settling rural migrants in urban China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013, 23(6):

Jay Gao,Liu Yansui. Deforestation in Heilongjiang Province of China, 1896–2000: Severity, spatiotemporal patterns and causes. Applied Geography, 2012, 35(1-2): 345–352.

Jay Gao,Liu Yansui. De(re)forestation and climate warming in subarctic China. Applied Geography, 2012, 32(2):281-290.

Gong Jianzhou,Liu Yansui, Chen Wenli. Optimal land use allocation of urban fringe in Guangzhou. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(1): 179-191.

Gong, Jianzhou,Liu, Yansui, Chen, Wenli. Land suitability evaluation for development using a matter-element model: A case study in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 2012,29(2):464-472

Long Hualou, Li Yurui,Liu Yansui, et al. Accelerated restructuring in rural China fueled by ‘increasing vs. decreasing balance’ land-use policy for dealing with hollowed villages. Land Use Policy, 2012, 29(1): 11-22.

Jay Gao,Liu Yansui. Climate warming and land use change in Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. Applied Geography, 2011, 31(2):476-482.

Sun Hu,Liu Yansui, Xu Keshuai.Hollow Villages and Rural Restructuring in Major Rural Regions of China: A Case Study of Yucheng City, Shandong Province. Chinese Geographical Science,2011,21(3):254-2633.

Liu Yansui, Chen Yangfen, Long Hualou. Regional diversity of peasant household response to new countryside construction based on field survey in eastern coastal China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2011, 21(5): 869-881.

Liu Yansui, Liu Yu, Chengyaofeng, Long Hualou. The process and driving forces of rural hollowing in China under rapid urbanization. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2010, 20(6): 876-888.

Liu Yansui, Zhang Y Y, Guo L Y. Towards realistic assessment of cultivated land quality in an ecologically fragile environment: A satellite imagery-based approach. Applied Geography, 2010, 30(2):271-281.

Liu Yansui, Wang J Y, Long H L. Analysis of arable land loss and its impact on rural sustainability in Southern Jiangsu Province of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2010, 91 (3):646–653.

Jay Gao,Liu Yansui. Determination of land degradation causes in Tongyu County, Northeast China via land cover change detection. International Journal of Applied 地球 Observation and Geoinformation, 2010,12(1):9-16.

Long Hualou,Liu Yansui, Li Xiubin, Chen Yufu. Building new countryside in China: A geographical 透视Land Use Policy, 2010, 27(2): 457-470.

Cheng Yangfen, Liu Yansui, Xu Kexhuai. Characteristics and mechanism of agricultural transformation in typical rural 面积s of Eastern China: A case study of Yucheng city, Shandong province. Chinese Geographical Science,2010,20(6):545-553

Liu Yansui, Zhang Fugang, Zhang Yingwen Appraisal of typical rural development models during rapid urbanization in the eastern coastal region of China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(5): 557-567.

Long Hualou,Liu Yansui, Wu Xiuqin, Dong Guihua. Spatio-temporal dynamic patterns of farmland and rural settlements in Su-Xi-Chang region: Implications for building a new countryside in coastal China. Land Use Policy, 2009, 26(2): 322-333.

Zhai Rongxin,Liu Yansui. Dynamic Evolvement of Agricultural System and Typical Patterns of Modern Agriculture in Coastal China: A Case of Suzhou. Chinese Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(3) 249–257.

Chen Yufu,Liu Yansui, Wang Jing. Land Use Changes of an Aeolian-Loessial Soil 面积 in Northwest China: Implications for Ecological Restoration. Pedosphere, 2009, 19(3):356-361

Long Hualou, Zou Jian,Liu Yansui. Differentiation of rural development driven by industrialization and urbanization in eastern coastal China. 栖息地 International, 2009, 33(4): 454-462.

Gong Jianzhou,Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng. Spatial heterogeneity of urban land-cover landscape in Guangzhou from 1990 to 2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009, 19(2): 213-224.

Gong Jianzhou,Liu Yansui, Xia Beicheng, Zhao Guanwei. Urban ecological security assessment and forecasting, based on a cellular automata model: A case study of Guangzhou, China.Ecological Modelling, 2009, 220(24): 3612-3620.

Liu Yansui, Wang Lijuan, Long Hualou. Spatio-temporal analysis of land-use conversion in the eastern coastal China during 1996-2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2008, 18(3): 274-282.

Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong, Deng Xiangzheng. Rocky land desertification and its driving forces in the 喀斯特 areas of rural Guangxi, Southwest China.Journal of Mountain Science, 2008,5(4): 681-699.

Jay Gao,Liu Yansui. Mapping of land degradation from space: a comparative study of Landsat ETM+ and ASTER 数据 International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2008, 29(14): 4029–4043.

Zha Yong,Liu Yansui, Deng Xiangzheng. A landscape approach to quantifying land cover changes in Yulin, Northwest China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2008,138 (1-3): 139-147.

Yang Zisheng,Liu Yansui. Method for evaluating the degrees of land use sustainability of mountainous county and its application in Yunnan province, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2008,5(2): 98–112.

Jay Gao,Yansui Liu, Yufu Chen. Land cover changes during agrarian restructuring in Northeast China. Applied Geography, 2006,26(4):312-322.

Liu Yansui, Wang Jieyong and Guo Liying. GIS-Based assessment of land suitability for optimal allocation in the Qinling Mountains, China. Pedosphere, 2006,16(5): 579-586.

Liu Yansui, Wang Dawei, Gao 周杰伦 Land Use/Cover Changes, the Environment and H₂O Resources in Northeast China. Environmental Management,2005,36: 691-701.

Liu Yansui, Hu Yecui,Peng Liuying. Accurate Quantification of Grassland Cover 密度 in the Alpine 草甸 Soil Based on Remote Sensing and GPS.Pedosphere, 2005,15(6): 778-783.

Liu Yansui, Y. Zha, J. Gao, S. Ni. Assessment of grassland degradation near Lake Qinghai, Western China using Landsat TM and ‘in situ’ reflectance spectra 数据International Journal of Remote Sensing,2004,25(20):4177-4189.

Liu Yansui, Jay Gao,Yanfeng Yang,A Holistic Approach Towards Assessment of Severity of Land Degradation Along the Great Wall in Northern Shaanxi Province, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,2003,82 (2): 187-202.

Liu Yansui, Md Anisul Islam and Jay Gao,Quantification of shallow H₂O quality parameters by means of remote sensing. Progress in Physical Geography ,2003,27 (1):24-43.

Qi Feng,Yansui Liu, Masao Mikami. Geostatistical analysis of soil moisture variability in grassland, Journal of Arid Environments, 2004,58(3): 357-372 .

Jay Gao,Yansui Liu, Applications of remote sensing, GIS and GPS in 冰川学: a review. Progress in Physical Geography, 2001, 25(4):520-540 .

Qi Feng, Liu Wei,Yansui Liu, Z. Yanwu, and S. Yonghong. Impact of desertification and global warming on soil in northern China, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2004, (109):21-25 .

Hu Yecui,Liu Yansui,Deng Xusheng. Land Use Change and Its Eco-environmental Effects in Transitional Agro-pastoral Region?—the case study of Yulin district in northern Shaanxi, Proceedings of IGARSS,2005.8.

Zhang Fugang,Liu Yansui. Quantitative appraisement on ecological carrying capacity in the coastal rapid developing region—A case study of Hainan province. Chinese Journal of 种群, Resources and Environment, 2008, 5(2): 1-7

Guo Liying, Ren Zhiyuan,Liu Yansui. The causes of land landscape changes in semi-arid area of Northwest China: a case study of Yulin city. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2006,16 (2):192-198.

Liu Yansui,Gan Hong,Jay Gao. The causes and environmental effects of land use conversion during agricultural restructuring in Northeast China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2004, 14 (4): 488-494.

Liu Yansui, Zhang Xiaoping, Li Xianwen. Mechanism and regulation of land use change in Yulin District, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003,13(2):139-146.

Liu Yansui, Zheng Yu. Typical models and approach to sustainable agricultural development in Foreign and Home. Journal of Nanjing Normal University, 2002,4(1): 57-65.

Liu Yansui, Deng Xiangzheng, Structural patterns of land types and optimal allocation of land use in Qingling Mountains. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2001,11(1): 99-109.

Zhang Wenzhong,Liu Yansui, Study on land resource problems and countermeasures in the process of urbanization in China. Regional Views(Japan),2001,(14):1-8.

Yan Junping,Liu Yansui, A study on environmental aridity over the northern and southern to Qinling Mountains under climate warming. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2001,11(2): 193-201.

Liu Yansui, The challenges and strategies of China’s Sustainable agriculture development. Journal of Nanjing Normal University, 2000,2(2): 108-116.

Liu Yansui, Deng Xiaozheng, Probe into the towns planning of county in the Wenzhou coastal region. Journal of Nanjing Normal University, 1999.11(1): 137-149.

Liu Yansui, Wu Chuanjun, Sustainable agriculture progress and tasks in recent studies in China. The Journal of Chinese Geography, 1999,9(3): 228-235.

刘彦随,杨忍 中国环渤海地区城乡发展转型格局测度 地理学报,2015,70(2):248-256.

刘彦随. 土地综合研究与土地资源工程. 资源科学,2015,37(1):1-8.

刘彦随。中国新型城镇化村镇建设格局研究. 地域研究与开发, 2014, 33(6): 1-6.

刘彦随, 乔陆印. 中国新型城镇化背景下耕地保护制度与政策创新. 经济地理, 2014, 34(4): 1-6.


刘彦随, 乔陆印。中国新型城镇化背景下耕地保护制度与政策创新。经济地理,2014,34(4):1-6.

刘彦随,杨忍 中原地区县域城镇化的空间特征与形成机理. 地理学报,2012,67(8):1011-1020.

刘彦随,刘玉,陈玉福 中国地域多功能性评价及其决策机制. 地理学报,2011,66(10):1379-1389.

刘彦随,李裕瑞. 中国县域耕地与农业劳动力变化的时空耦合关系. 地理学报,2010,65(12):1607-1617.

刘彦随, 刘玉, 翟荣新. 中国农村空心化的地理学研究与整治实践. 地理学报,2009,64(10):1193-1202.

刘彦随. 现代农业地理与土地利用创新研究. 地理学报, 2008,63(4):353-358.

刘彦随. 中国东部沿海地区乡村转型发展与新农村建设. 地理学报, 2007,62(6):563-570.

刘彦随,甘红,张富刚. 东北地区农业水土资源匹配格局。地理学报,2006,61(8):847-854.


刘彦随,陆大道 中国农业结构调整基本态势与区域效应。地理学报,2003,58(3):381-389.

刘彦随,Jay Gao. 陕北长城沿线地区土地退化态势分析。地理学报,2002,57(4):443-450.

刘彦随. 山地土地类型的结构分析与优化利用。地理学报, 2001, 56(4):426-436.

刘彦随,朱琳,李玉桓. 转型期农村土地整治的基础理论与模式探析。地理科学进展,2012,31(6):777-782.

刘彦随,龙花楼 中国农业地理与乡村发展研究进展及展望. 地理科学进展,2011,30(4):409-416.

刘彦随. 科学推进中国农村土地整治战略. 中国土地科学, 2011, 25(4): 3-8.

刘彦随,刘玉. 中国农村空心化问题研究的进展与展望. 地理研究,2010,29(1):35-42.

刘彦随,刘 玉,郭丽英。气候变化对中国农业生产的影响及应对策略。中国生态农业学报,2010,18(4):905-910

刘彦随,王介勇,郭丽英. 中国粮食生产与耕地变化的时空动态. 中国农业科学, 2009,42 (12): 4269-4274

刘彦随. 中国土地利用战略创新及其模式体系. 中国土地科学, 2009, 23(2): 4-10.

刘彦随, 杨子生。我国土地资源学研究新进展及其展望. 自然资源学报,2008,23(2): 353-360.

刘彦随. 我国中部地区农业发展定位与战略. 经济地理,2008,28(4):646-649.

刘彦随. 吴传钧院士对发展中国农业地理学的贡献. 地理科学, 2008,28(1):1-6

刘彦随, 卢艳霞。中国沿海地区城乡发展态势与土地利用优化研究,重庆建筑大学学报, 2007,29(3):4-7.

刘彦随,靳晓燕,胡业翠. 黄土丘陵沟壑区农村特色生态经济模式. 自然资源学报,2006,21(5): 7438-7450.

刘彦随. 保障我国土地资源安全若干战略思考。中国科学院院刊,2006,21(5):379-384.

刘彦随,邓旭升,胡业翠. 广西喀斯特山区土地石漠化与扶贫开发探析. 山地学报, 2006,24(2):228-233.

刘彦随,陈百明。中国可持续发展问题与土地利用/覆被变化研究. 地理研究,2002,21(3): 324-341.

刘彦随。新时期农业与乡村发展研究方向及前沿问题. 资源科学,2005,27(2):176.

刘彦随,彭留英,王大伟. 东南沿海发达区土地利用转换态势与机制分析. 自然资源学报, 2005,20(3):333-339.

刘彦随,彭留英,陈玉福。东北地区土地利用转换及其生态效应分析. 农业工程学报,2005, 21(11):60-66.

刘彦随,邓旭升,甘红。我国城市土地利用态势与优化对策. 重庆建筑大学学报,2005,27(3): 1-4.


刘彦随,胡业翠,郑宇。经济快速发展地区耕地资源优化配置模型分析. 地理科学进展,2004,23(5):25-32.

刘彦随,吴传钧张建平。中国土地科技创新体系建设的思考. 地理研究,2003,22(4):416-422.

刘彦随,吴传钧。中国水土资源态势与可持续食物安全. 自然资源学报,2002,17(3): 270-275.

刘彦随,吴传钧,鲁奇.21世纪中国农业与农村可持续发展方向和策略. 地理科学,2002,22(4):385-389.

刘彦随,方创琳。区域土地利用类型的胁迫转换与优化配置. 自然资源学报,2001,16(4): 334-340.

刘彦随,冯德显三峡库区土地资源持续利用潜力及其途径模式. 地理研究,2001,19(2):139-145.

刘彦随。陕北绥德县持续农业与农村经济发展评价. 陕西师范大学学报,2001,29(1):85-89

刘彦随,樊 杰。面向国土资源决策的中国土地利用变化研究。中国土地科学,2001,4:12-17

刘彦随,张文忠。论西部地区矿业型城市可持续发展的战略选择. 西北大学学报,2001,31(1):83-88.

刘彦随. 陕西秦巴山地生态格局与农业资源持续利用模型. 山地农业生物学报,2001,20(1):39-46.

刘彦随,吴传钧 国内外可持续农业发展的典型模式与途径. 南京师大学报,2001,24(2):119-124.

刘彦随。西部地区县域农业土地利用优化设计. 中国农业资源与区划,2000,21(6):10-13.

刘彦随。山地农业资源分异规律与优化利用模式研究. 资源科学,2000,22(5):27-31.


刘彦随。山地土地结构格局与土地利用优化配置. 地理科学,1999,19(6):504-509.


刘彦随。土地利用优化配置中系列模型的应用. 地理科学进展,1999,18(1):26-31.

刘彦随,鲁奇. 苏南现代化进程中土地问题及其对策。地理科学进展,1998,17(2):78-83.



刘彦随。山地农业资源的时空性与持续利用研究. 长江流域资源与环境,1999,8(4):411-417


刘彦随。浙江乐清市城镇体系规划新探. 经济地理,1998,(1):83-86


刘彦随,倪绍祥. 陕南秦巴山地生态环境质量综合评价. 山地学报, 1997,13(3):178-182.

刘彦随,倪绍祥,查勇. 陕北地区风沙滩区土地退化机理与治理对策. 自然资源学报,1997, 12(4): 357-362.

刘彦随,倪绍祥。农业资源与环境系统优化模式. 长江流域资源与环境,1997, 6(1): 39-45.


1. 刘彦随, 龙花楼,王介勇。中国农业现代化与农民。北京:科学出版社,2014.

2. 刘彦随. 中国新农村建设地理论。北京:科学出版社,2011.

3. 刘彦随, 龙花楼, 陈玉福, 王介勇. 中国乡村发展研究报告。北京:科学出版社,2011.

4. 刘彦随, 王业侨, 陈玉福 土地利用系统评估与整治决策技术研究。北京:中国科学技术出版社,2011.

5. 刘彦随, 杨子生等. 中国山区土地资源开发利用与人地协调发展研究. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2010.

6. 刘彦随, 郑伟元. 中国土地可持续利用论。北京:科学出版社, 2008.

7. 刘彦随等. 中国土地可持续利用与新农村建设. 西南师范大学出版社,2008。

8. 杨子生,刘彦随,赵乔贵等. 基于耕地资源利用的区域粮食安全评估原理、方法及其在云南省的实践. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2008.

9. 刘彦随,胡宝清等。中国土地资源开发与区域协调发展. 北京:气象出版社,2006

10. 刘彦随等。节粮在我身边。北京:中国科学普及出版社,2008.

11. 刘彦随. 区域土地利用优化配置. 北京:学苑出版社,1999.

12. 刘彦随, 杨述河等. 农牧交错区土地退化机制与优化配置。北京:中国科学技术出版社,2005.

13. 刘彦随, 熊康宁,但文红. 中国农村土地整治与城乡协调发展研究. 贵阳:贵州出版集团公司,2012.

14. 刘彦随, 卓玛措主编. 中国土地资源开发利用与生态文明建设研究。西宁市:青海人民出版社,2013.

15. 杨子生, 刘彦随. 中国山区生态友好型土地利用研究. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2007

16. 杨述河, 刘彦随等. 土地资源开发与区域协调发展。北京:中国科学技术出版社,2005.

17. 杨子生, 刘彦随, 胡珀等。云南省大中型水电建设移民安置用地规划研究, 北京:中国科学技术出版社,2006.

18. 倪绍祥, 刘彦随, 杨子生. 中国土地资源态势与持续利用研究。昆明市云南科技出版社,2004.


发展中国家科学院(TWAS)科学奖(2018)、国土资源部科学技术奖励一等奖(2013,2014)、国土资源部科学技术奖励二等奖(2015)、“全国优秀科技工作者”(2012)、中国科学院院地合作科技奖先进个人一等奖(2012)、山东省国土资源科学技术一等奖(2012)、陕西省科技进步一等奖(2006,2012)、海南省科技进步一等奖(2009)、云南省科技进步二等奖(2009)、中国科学院科技创新集体成就奖(2009)、中国城乡发展进步奖(2009)、首届全国优秀地理科技工作者奖(2009)、全国优秀青年科技工作者奖(2005)、第九届中国青年农学科技奖(2004)、陕西省科学技术进步二等奖(2003)、第三届华中地区科学技术推广大会科技成果一等奖(2000)、第五届全国青年地理科技奖(1999)、江苏省首届优秀博士学位论文奖(1999)。2014年入围“科技盛典——中国中央电视台 2014科技创新人物有效候选人。






近年来,在《人民日报》发表“农村土地流转何以健康前行”(时评)、“回得去的故乡”需要新思路”(时评)、“新型城镇化应治“乡村病”(新论)、“农村治污没有退路(新论)”、“节约集约用地促进城乡协调发展”、“城镇化与新农村建设应是一体的”、“新农村建设是最大的内需”、“给失地农民坚实可靠的未来”、“农村土地整治要让农民受益”、“稳定粮食生产关键让农民得益”、“让农民在土地增值中受益”、“耕地保护要杜绝‘监守自盗’”等时评新论、《光明 日报》发表“新型城镇化待解土地难题(国是)”等政策观察文章,以及在《中国科学报》发表“影响我国粮食安全的深层问题日益凸显”、“各地都种粮不如依靠基地产粮”、“耕地资源潜力重在空心村整治”,《经济日报》发表“对挤占生态空间说不”、“推进节约集约用地意义重大”、“农村科学建房激活内需保增长”,《中国国土资源报》发表“同步推进土地权能与收益制度改革”、“生态为先,实现人地和谐发展”等专论、专访文章 30余篇。相关研究进展与成果被《人民日报》、《光明 日报》、《经济日报》、《科技日报》、《中国科学院报》、《 》等相继报道,中国中央电视台"新闻联播"、CCTV“朝闻天下”、中央电视台科教频道"科技频道"、CCTV-2“财经频道”、CNTV等重要报告和专访报道,CCTV-2 “县域经济报道”栏目应邀开设“寻找乡村创业致富榜样--乡村课堂”。








刘彦随在地球科学、社会科学等研究领域为推动联合国可持续发展目标(SDG)做出了重要贡献。——《Springer Nature》评



刘彦随 简历 - 名人简历.名人简历.2020-10-29









地理快讯 | 2022“全球高被引科学家”中国地理学者榜单.今日头条-测绘学报.2022-11-25




刘彦随研究员专著获Springer Nature“中国新发展奖”.中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所.2024-08-14
