1. 简单百科
  2. 阮小娥










迭代学习控制 智能控制



5. 2010年1月-2012年12月,基于脉冲型信号的抑制初始状态漂移的迭代学习控制研究,国家自然科学基金27万元,主持人。 4. 2006年1月-2008年12月,大系统的非重复性迭代学习控制研究,国家自然科学基金,22万元,主持人。

3. 2005年1月-2007年12月, 复杂工业系统的非重复性迭代学习控制研究,西安交通大学“985工程”二期培植项目, 5万元,主持人.

2. 2004年11月-2006年10月, 大系统优化和迭代学习控制理论与应用研究, 西安交通大学在职博士基金,1万元,主持人.

1. 2003年1月-2003年12月,大工业过程的迭代学习控制,国家自然科学基金, 5万元,主持人.


Xiaoe ruan, Huizhuo Wu, Na Li. Convergence analysis in sense of Lebesgue-p norm of decentralized non-repetitive iterative learning control for linear large-scale systems, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Aug.2009.vol.22, 二氧化氮, pp422-434. (SCI-483ZO) Xiaoe Ruan, Z. Zenn Bien, Kwang-Hyun Park. Decentralized Iterative Learning Control to Large-Scale Industrial Processes for Nonrepetitive trajectory Tracking, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A, Jan. 2008, vol.38, no.1, pp238-252. (SCI-245YK)

Xiaoe Ruan, Zeungnam Bien. Iterative learning control with 时间varying gains for large-scale industrial processes to track trajectories with different magnitudes, International Journal of Systems Science, 2008, vol.39, no.5, pp513-527. (SCI-275KL)

Ruan Xiaoe, Chen Fengmin, Wan Bai-wu. Decentralized Iterative Learning Controllers for Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems to Track Trajectories with Different Magnitudes, Acta Automatica Sinica, 2008, vol.34, no.4, pp426-432.

Baiwu Wan, Xiaoe Ruan, Ding Liu. New results in Control of Steady-state Large-Scale Systems, Studies in informatics and Control, 2008, vol.17, 二氧化氮, pp123-134. (SCI-484FL)

Ruan Xiaoe, Chen Fengmin, Wang Jianguo. Convergence Analysis in the Sense of Lebesgue-p Norm for Open-Closed-Loop Iterative Learning Control, Proceedings of 26th Chinese Control Conference, Jul. 26-31, 2007, Zhangjiajie, Hunan, China, pp511-514.(SCI-BGW84)

Ruan Xiaoe, Chen Fengmin, Wang Jianguo. Convergence Analysis of Iterative Learning Control with respect to Lebesgue-p Norm, 动力学 of Continuous and Discrete Impulsive Systems, Series B, Vol(S2), Complex Systems and Applications-Modelling, Control and Simulation, (2007) pp844-847.(SCI-233GM)

Feng Liu, Xiaoe Ruan. Wavelet-based diffusion approaches for signal denoising, Signal Processing, 2007, vol.87, no. 5, pp1138-1146. (SCI - 142FW)

Xiaoe Ruan, Fengmin Chen, Zeungnam Bien, Convergence Issue of Nonrepetitive Iterative Learning Controllers for Large-scale Systems, “Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Impulsive Dynamic Systems and Applications” in 动力学 of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis, July 2006, vol. Supp. , pp771-776. (SCI -126 NQ)

X. Ruan, Z. Bien and K.-H. Park. Iterative Learning Controllers for Discrete-时间 Large-Scale Systems to Track Trajectories with Distinct Magnitudes, International Journal of Systems Science, 2005,vol.36, no.4, pp221-233. (SCI -904KD)
