何祖平教授曾任上海市男科学研究所所长和上海市生殖医学重点实验室副主任,现任模式动物与干细胞生物学湖南省重点实验室主任,再生医学教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员,上海市生殖医学重点实验室学术委员会委员,分子流行病学湖南省重点实验室学术委员会委员,危重医学代谢组学湖南省重点实验室学术委员会副主任。何教授是中国生理学学会生殖科学专业委员会委员,中国动物学会生殖生物学分会理事,国际生殖研究学会(SSR)成员委员会委员,湖南医学会医学教育委员会副主任委员。此外,何教授还担任SCI期刊Reproduction副主编、Scientific Reports编委、Asian Journal of 男科学编委。
1.Min Sun, Qingqing Yuan, Minghui Niu, Hong Wang, Liping Wen, Chencheng Yao, Jingmei Hou, Zheng Chen, Hongyong Fu, Fan Zhou, Chong Li, Shaorong Gao, Wei-Qiang Gao, Zheng Li,Zuping He*. Efficient Generation of Functional Haploid Spermatids From Human Germline Stem Cells by Three-Dimensional Induced System.Cell 死亡 and Differentiation,2018, 25: 747-764.即时IF: 11.07
2.Hongyong Fu#, Wenhui Zhang, Qingqing Yuan, Minghui Niu, Fan Zhou, Qianqian 裘姓, Guoping Mao, Hong Wang, Liping Wen, Min Sun, Zheng Li,Zuping He*.PAK1 Promotes the Proliferation and Inhibits Apoptosis of Human Spermatogonial Stem Cells via PDK1/KDR/ZNF367 and ERK1/2 and AKT Pathways.Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acid, 2018, 12: 769-786.即时IF : 7.05
3.Hongyong Fu, Fan Zhou, Qingqing Yuan, Wenhui Zhang, Qianqian 裘姓, Xing Yu,Zuping He*.MiRNA-31-5p Mediates the Proliferation and Apoptosis of Human Spermatogonial Stem Cells via Targeting JAZ一级方程式锦标赛 and Cyclin A2.Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acid,2018, 14: 90-100.即时IF : 7.05
4.Fan Zhou, Qingqing Yuan, Wenhui Zhang, Minghui Niu, Hongyong Fu, Qainqian Qiu, Guiping Mao, Hong Wang, Liping Wen, Mujun Lu, Zheng Li,Zuping He*.MiR-663a Stimulates Proliferation and Suppresses Early Apoptosis of Human Spermatogonial Stem Cells by Targeting NFIX and Regulating Cell Cycle.Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acid, 2018, 12: 319-336. 即时IF : 7.05
5.Chencheng Yao, Qingqing Yuan, MinghuiNiu, Hongyong Fu, Fan Zhou, Wenhui Zhang, Hong Wang, Liping Wen, Ligang Wu, Zheng Li*,Zuping He*.Distinct expression profiles and novel targets of microRNAs in human spermatogonia, pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids betweenOA patients and NOA patients.Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2017, 9: 182-194.即时IF : 7.05
6.Hong Wang, Qingqing Yuan, Minghui Niu, Wnihui Zhang, Liping Wen, Hongyong Fu, Fan Zhou,Zuping He*.Transcriptional regulation of P63 on the apoptosis of male germ cells and three stages of spermatogenesis in 鼠科Cell 死亡 and Disease, 2018, 9(2):76.即时IF : 6.41
7.Rui Zhou, Jingrouzi Wu, Bang Liu,Yiqun Jiang, Wei Chen, Jian Li, Quanyuan He,Zuping He*.The roles and mechanisms of Leydig cells and myoid cells in regulating spermatogenesis.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2019,76, 2681-2696.IF: 7.014
8.Qianqian Qiu,Xing Yu, Chencheng Yao, Yujun Hao, Liqing Fan, Chunyi Li, Peng Xu,Geng An,Zheng Li,Zuping He*.FOXP3pathogenic variants cause male infertility through affecting the proliferation and apoptosis of human spermatogonial stem cells.Aging, 2019,11(24):12581-12599.IF: 5.51
9.Hao Yang, Yang Liu, Yanan Hai, Yuehua Gong, Ying Guo, Shi Yang, Zhenzhen Zhang, Linhong Liu, Zheng Li, Wei-Qiang Gao,Zuping He*.Efficient conversion of mouse spermatogonial stem cells to phenotypic and functional dopaminergic neurons via PI3K/Akt and P21/Smurf2/Nolz1 pathway.Molecular 神经科学,2015, 52(3):1654-1669.IF: 6.19
10.Shi Yang, Ping Ping, Meng Ma, Peng Li, Ruhui Tian, Hao Yang, Yang Liu, Yuehua Gong, Zhenzhen Zhang, Zheng Li*,Zuping He*. Generation of haploid spermatids with 受精卵 and development capacity from human spermatogonial stem cells of cryptorchid patients.Stem Cell Report, 2014, 3(4): 663-675.IF: 7.338
11.YananHai, Yun Liu, Jingmei Hou, Zhen Chen,Zuping He*. The roles and regulation of Sertoli cells in spermatogenesis.Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2014, 29:66-75.IF: 6.265
12.Meng Ma, Shi Yang, Zhenzhen Zhang, Peng Li, Yuehua Gong, Linhong Liu, Yong Zhu, Ruhui Tian, Yufei Liu, Xiaobo Wang, Feng Liu, Lin He, Yang Liu, Hao Yang, Zheng Li,Zuping He*.Sertoli cells from non-obstructive azoospermia and obstructive azoospermia patients show distinct morphology, raman spectrum and biochemical phenotype.Human Reproduction, 2013, 28(7):1863-1673.IF: 5.02
13.Chao Yang, ChenchengYao, Ruhui Tian, Zijue Zhu, LiangyuZhao, Peng Li, Huixing Chen, Yuhua Huang, Erlei Zhi, Yuehua Gong, Yunjing Xue, Hong Wang, Qingqing Yuan,Zuping He*, Zheng Li*. miR-202-3p Regulates Sertoli Cell Proliferation, Synthesis 函数, and Apoptosis by Targeting LRP6 and Cyclin D1 of Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling.Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2018, 14: 1-19. 即时IF : 7.05
14.Ying Guo, Yanan Hai, Chencheng Yao, Zheng Chen, Jingmei Hou, Zheng Li,Zuping He*. Long-term culture and significant expansion of human Sertoli 细胞s whilst maintaining stable global phenotype and AKT and SMAD1/5 activation.Cell 传播学 and Signaling, 2015, 13: 20.IF: 5.324
15.Zhenzhen Zhang, Yuehua Gong, Ying Guo, Yanan Hai, Hao Yang, Shi Yang, Yang Liu, Meng Ma, Linhong Liu, Zheng Li, Wei-Qiang Gao,Zuping He*. Direct transdifferentiation of spermatogonial stem cells to morphological, phenotypic and functional hepatocyte-like cells via the ERK1/2 and Smad2/3 signaling, pathways and the inactivation of cyclin A, cyclin B and cyclin E.Cell Signaling and Communications, 2013, 11:67.IF: 5.324
16.Zuping He#, Jiji Jiang, Maria Kokkinaki, Lin Tang, Wenxian Zeng, Ian Gallicano, Ina Dobrinski, Martin Dym. MiRNA-20 and MiRNA-106a Regulate Spermatogonial Stem 细胞 Renewal at the Post-Transcriptional Level via Targeting STAT3 and Ccnd1 2.Stem Cells, 2013, 31(10): 2205~2217.IF: 7.74
17.Zuping He#, Jiji Jiang, Maria Kokkinaki, Martin Dym. Nodal signaling via an autocrine pathway is required for proliferation of mouse spermatogonial stem/progenitor cells through smad2/3 and Oct-4 activation.Stem Cells,2009, 27: 2580-2590. IF: 7.74
18.Zuping He#, Jiji Jiang, Maria Kokkinaki, Nady Golestaneh, Marie-Claude Hofmann, Martin Dym. Gdnf upregulates c-Fos transcription via the Ras/Erk1/2 pathway to promote mouse spermatogonial stem cell proliferation.Stem Cells,2008, 26:266-278. IF: 7.74