毕业于肯特大学。在英国期间曾任英国Nexor公司的兼职高级安全技术顾问、甲骨文公司英国(Oracle UK)高级工程师。
现担任中国大数据专家委员会委员、中国CIE云计算专家委员会专家委员、中国CSIP云计算研究中心专家、中国办公自动化专委会委员、ISO/IEC国际标准中国代表团成员、广东省计算机信息网络安全专业技术委员会成员、粤港云计算服务与标准专家委员会委员、广东省计算机学会常务理事、中国计算机学会青年计算机科技论坛(CCF YOCSEF)广州市的主席等。
组织和主持国际学术会议10余个,包括ICPCA09, ICPCA10, SecSE09, SecSE11, Cloudcom2009, Cloudcom2010, CCS2010, InterCloud2011, InterCloud2010, EuroPKI2005, CMS2004, LBS2010。近年在国际上出版论文集、书(章)等11篇(本、章),国际权威刊物上发表云计算和信息安全相关论文50余篇。作为中国代表团成员在国际标准化组织(ISO)参与云计算与信息安全相关的国际标准的工作。
CCF YOCSEF 广州市副主席。
Cloud Computing Association 理事。
第一届国际云计算会议(The 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing)的大会程序主席,组织和主持国际云计算会议。
第三届国际下一代通信与网络会议的程序主席(The 3rd International Conference on Next Generation Communication and Networks).
作为第四届普适计算和应用国际会议(The 4th International Conference on PERVASIVE Computing and Applications)安全技术方面的联合主席,负责组织和主持安全相关的研讨。
1. Cloud Computing: A Statistic Aspect of Users. Gansen Zhao, Jiale Liu, Chunming Rong, Feng Zhang, Wei Sun. First International Conference in Cloud Computing. December 2009. Beijing, China.(第一作者)
2. Strengthen Cloud Computing Security With Federal Identity 管理学 Using Hierarchical Identity-based Cryptography. Liang Yan, Chunming Rong, Gansen Zhao. First International Conference in Cloud Computing. December 2009. Beijing, China. (通讯作者)
3. Improving Network Locality Awareness for BitTorrent. Zhenping Cui, Gansen Zhao, Chunming Rong, Wei Sun, Feng Zhang. 4th International Conference on PERVASIVE Computing and Applications. December 2009. Taiwan, China.(通讯作者)
4. How to securely break into RBAC, Ana Ferreiraacd, David Chadwicka, Pedro Farinhabd, Gansen Zhaoe, Rui Chilrof, Ricardo Correiabd, Luis Antunes. 2009 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. December 2009.
5. A More Well-founded Security Proof of the Privacy-preserving Distributed Mining of Association Rules Protocols. Feng Zhang, Gansen Zhao. International Workshop on Data Quality and Security. November 2009. Hongkong, China.(通讯作者)
6. Privacy-preserving Distributed k-Nearest Neighbor Mining on Horizontally Partitioned Multi-party Data. Feng Zhang, Gansen Zhao, and Tingyan Xing. The International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Application, August 2009. Beijing China. ISBN 978-3-6420-3347-6 (并列第一)
7. 两方参与的隐私保护协同过滤推荐研究. 张锋,孙雪冬,常会友,赵淦森. 电子学报. 37(1), 2009年1月
8. Secure Role based Messaging (White Paper). Gansen Zhao. Nexor. 2009.(第一作者)
9. On the Modeling of Bell-La Padula Security Policies Using RBAC. Gansen Zhao and David Chadwick. International Workshop on Security Technologies for Collaborative Architectures. June 2008. Italy. ISBN 978-0-7695-3315-5 (EI全文, ISTP,第一作者)
10. A Role-Based Access Control Model for Complex Affairs. Haoliang Zhai, Gansen Zhao, Lei Li, Huang Jianxiong. 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2008). December 2008. ISBN 978-0-7695-3336-0 (EI 全文, ISTP,并列第一作者)
11. Permis: a modular authorization infrastructure. David Chadwick (导师), Gansen Zhao, Sassa Otenko, Romain Laborde, Linying Su, and Tuan Anh Nguyen. Concurrency And Computation: Practice And Experience (ISSN 1532-0626), Auguest 2008. (EI全文,SCI-E全文,并列第一作者)
12. Obligations for Role based Access Control. Gansen Zhao, David Chadwick, Sassa Otenko. The 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Security in Networks and Distributed Systems (SSNDS-07). Niagara Falls, Canda, May 2007. ISBN 0-7695-2466-4 (EI全文,ISTP,第一作者)
13. Building a Modular Authorization Infrastructure. David Chadwick (导师), Gansen Zhao, Sassa Otenko, Romain Laborde, Linying Su, Tuan Anh Nguyen In Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2006, September 2006, Nottingham UK. ISBN 0-9553988-0-0 (ISTP,并列第一作者)
14. Distributed key 管理学 for secure role based messaging. Gansen Zhao, Sassa Otenko, and David Chadwick. In Proceeding of The IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2006), Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, April 2006. ISBN 0-7695-2466-4 (ISTP,第一作者)
15. Evolving messaging systems for secure role based messaging. Gansen Zhao and David Chadwick. In 10th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS'05), pages 216-223, June 2005. ISBN 0-7695-2284-X (EI, ISTP,第一作者)
16. Trust infrastructure for policy based messaging in open environments. Gansen Zhao and David Chadwick. In 14th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2005), Link?ping University, Sweden, June 2005. ISBN 0-7695-2362-5 (EI全文,第一作者)
17. An agent-based model for web services transaction processing. Xinming Wang, Gansen Zhao, Xin Zhang, and Beihong Jin. In 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (EEE'05), March 2005. ISBN 0-7695-2073-1 (EI, 并列第一作者、通讯作者)
18. Secure Role-based Messaging. David Chadwick(导师), Graeme Lunt, and Gansen Zhao. In Eighth IFIP TC-6 TC-11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2004), Windermere, UK, 2004. ISBN 0-387-24485-9 (ISTP, 通讯作者)
1. Chapter 11: Wireless Network Security, Computer and Information Security Handbook. Morgan Kaufmann, May 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0-12-374354-1
2. Chapter 13: RFID Security, Computer and Information Security Handbook. Morgan Kaufmann, May 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0-12-374354-1
3. Public Key Infrastructure: Proceedings of EuroPKI2005. David Chadwick and Gansen Zhao, editors, volume 3545 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISBN: 978-3-540-28062-0 ISSN 0302-9743). Springer, November 2005.
4. DIRECTX与VB .NET程序开发. 何健辉, 陈志远, 赵淦森. 中国电力出版社, ISBN:7-5083-1295-3. 2003年1月
5. COM+编程。冯延晖,刘晓铭, 赵淦森, 王泳. 中国电力出版社. ISBN: 7-5083-1110. 2002年11月.
赵淦森 教授.华南师范大学计算机学院.2023-01-14