1. 简单百科
  2. 彭红云













任职以来,主持了国家自然科学基金3项、浙江省自然科学基金1项、浙江省科技厅计划项目1项、浙江省科技厅钱江人才项目1项、科技部国际合作重大项目子课题1项、参与国家国家高技术研究发展计划、973子课题、国家科技支撑项目子课题等。研究论文发表在国际刊物Environmental Science \u0026 Technology、RSC Advances、Environmental and Experimental 植物学、等。参编著作1本(《重金属污染土壤的香薷植物修复研究》)。研究成果作为第一发明人获授权国家发明专利5项。







1.Hongyun Peng, Lingling Gao, Mengjiao Li, Yibin Shen, Qiongqiu Qian, Xia Li.2014. Steam Explosion-Ionic 羧基液体丁腈橡胶 Pretreatments on Wetland Lignocellulosic Biomasses of 芦苇属 (sp.) and Thalia dealbata for BioHConversion.RSC Advances. 4: 36603−36614

2.Peng Hongyun, Xing Yan, Gao Lingling, Zhang Liang, Zhang Guolin.2014. Simultaneous separation of apigenin, 木犀草素 and rosmarinic acid from the aerial parts of the tolerant plant Elsholtzia splendens.Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 21:8124−8132

3.Hongyun Peng, Peter MH Kroneck, and Hendrik Küpper.2013. 毒性 and Deficiency of Copper inElsholtzia splendensAffect Photosynthesis Biophysics, Pigments and Metal Accumulation.Environmental Science \u0026 Technology. 47:6120−6128

4. Xing Y,Peng H.Y.*, Gao L.L., Luo 神力科莎, Yang X.E.2013. A 化合物 containing substituted indole ligand from a hyperaccumulatorSedum alfrediiHance under Zn exposure.International Journal of Phytoremediation.15:952-964.

5.Peng H.Y., Wang-Müller Q.Y., Witt T., Malaisse F., Küpper H.2012. Differences in copper accumulation and copper stress between eight populations ofHaumaniastrum katangense.Environmental and Experimental Botany. 79:58-65.

6. Xing Y.,Peng H.Y.*, Zhang M.X., Li X., Zeng W.W., Yang X.E.2012. Caffeic acid product from the highly tolerant plantElsholtzia splendenspost phytoremediation: its extraction, purification and identification.Journal of Zhejiang University–SCIENCE B. 13(6):487-493.


1.Peng HY, Yang XE.Effect of Elsholtzia splendens, soil amendments, and soil managements on Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd fractionation and solubilization in soil under field conditions.B Environ Contam Tox.2007, (5):384-389.SCI

2.Peng HY, Yang XE.Characteristics of and uptake and accumulation by two 物种 of Elsholtzia.B Environ Contam Tox.2007, 78(2): 142-147.SCI

3.彭红云, 杨肖娥.金属有机配体分析方法及金属组学研究.分析化学.2006, 34 (8): 1190-1196.SCI

4.Peng HY, Yang XE.Distribution and accumulation of copper, , zinc and cadmium contaminants in Elsholtzia splendens grown in the metal contaminated soil-a field trial study.B Environ Contam Toxi.2005, 75(6):1115-1122.SCI

5.Peng HY, Yang XE, Jiang LY, He ZL.Copper phytoavailability and uptake by Elsholtzia splendens from contaminated soil as affected by soil amendments.J Environ Sci Health.A.2005,40(4): 839-856.SCI

6.Yang XE, Peng HY, Jiang LY, He ZL.Phytoextraction of from contaminated soil by Elsholtzia splendens as affected by EDTA, citric acid and compOST.Inter J Phytoremed.2005, 7(1):69-83.SCI

7.Peng HY, Yang XE.Volatile constituents in the flowers of Elsholtzia argyi and their variation - a possible utilization of plant resources after phytoremediation.J Zhejiang Univ Sci.2005, 6B(2):91-95.EI

8.Peng HY, Yang XE, Tian SK.Accumulation and ultrastructural distribution of in Elsholtzia splendens.J Zhejiang Univ Sci.2005, 6B(5):311-318.EI

9.彭红云, 杨肖娥.矿产与粮食复合主产区土壤污染的生物修复与生态重建对策.科技导报.2006, 24(3):25-28.

10.彭红云, 杨肖娥.香薷植物修复铜污染土壤的研究进展.水土保持学报.2005,19(5): 193-199.

11.Wang YH, Qi GR, Peng HY, Li HL.Interpolymer specific interaction in blends of poly(styrene- co-alkyl acrylate-co-4-vinylpyridine) and poly(styrene-co-alkyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid).均聚物.2002,43(9): 2811-2818.SCI

12.Peng HY, Yang YS, Qi GR.n-dioctadecyl fumarate-vinyl acetate copolymer: Synthesis, characterization and application as flow improver for oils.Petrol Sci Technol.2002,20 (1-2): 65-75.SCI

13.Yang YS, Peng HY, Qi GR, et al.Diffusion mechanism of drug through semi-crystalline 乙烯vinyl acetate copolymer: Free volume theory.Acta Polym Sin.2002, 2:242-244.SCI

14.Qi GR, Wang YH, Li XX, Peng HY, Yang SL.Viscometric study on the specific interaction between proton-donating polymers and proton-accepting polymers.J Appl Polym Sci.2002,85(2): 415-421.SCI

15.Wang YH, Qi GR, Li HL, Peng HY, Yang SL.Interaction between octyl acrylate copolymers bearing functional groups in solutions (I).Chem J Chin Univ (Chinese).2001,22(12): 2108-2112.SCI


• 彭红云,李梦蛟,罗安程,高铃铃。温控式双层圆筒形好氧堆肥反应器。中原地区。CN201310478377。

• 彭红云,邢严,张良,章国林,申有青,王会平。提取分离海州香薷中迷迭香酸芹菜素木犀草素的方法。中国。CN 201310042896.5

• 彭红云,邢严,张良,张梦希。提取海州香薷中抗肿瘤成份咖啡酸的方法。中国。CN 201110136277.3。

• 彭红云,张兴宏,章国林,戚国荣,杨肖娥。一种含脱氢香薷结构的组合物及其应用。中国。CN 201010108000.5。

• 彭红云,石伟勇,杨肖娥,吴龙华。从种植于铜污染土壤的海州香薷中提取杀菌活性剂的方法。中原地区。CN 200610049614.4。
