1. 简单百科
  2. 郑粉莉




郑粉莉,中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所研究员,博士生导师,美国国家土壤侵蚀研究实验室博士后。1960年10月生,1983年毕业于西北大学地理系,1986年毕业于中国科学院西北水土保持研究所(现更名为中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所),获理学硕士学位,1997年毕业于中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所,获理学博士学位。1990—1991年,在德国“发展中国家国际环境管理研究生班”进修,1998年1月至5月获美国国家土壤侵蚀研究实验室(USDA National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory)资助在美进行土壤侵蚀过程的合作研究,在1999年,再次获得对方资助在美从事土壤侵蚀及其环境影响评价的研究工作。曾任中华全国青年联合会第八届委员会委员。现任中美水土保持与环境保护研究中心办公室主任,中国科学院、水利部水土保持研究所学术委员会委员和学位委员会委员,中国水土保持学会水土保持监测专业委员会副主任,中国科学院滑坡泥石流专业委员会委员,陕西省土壤学会理事,陕西省政协常委,九三学社陕西省委委员,《水土保持研究》编委,美国土壤学会会员,美国《土壤学百科全书》条目编写人等职。







[1] 郑粉莉等著.东北黑土区复合土壤侵蚀特征及其防治. 北京:科学出版社, 2020

[2] 郑粉莉, 江忠善, 高学田. 水蚀过程与预报模型,北京:科学出版社, 2008

[3] 郑粉莉, 沈海鸥, 覃超. 坡面细沟侵蚀过程量化研究,北京:科学出版社, 2019

[4] 郑粉莉. 黄土高原沟蚀演变过程与侵蚀产沙,北京:科学出版社, 2009

[5] 郑粉莉, 张勋昌,王建勋. WEPP模型及其在黄土高原的应用评价. 北京:科学出版社, 2009

[6] 郑粉莉, 江忠善, 高学田. 水蚀过程与预报模型,北京:科学出版社, 2008

[7] 郑粉莉, 高学田.黄土坡面土壤侵蚀过程及其模拟, 西安: 陕西人民出版社, 2001

[8] 景可, 王万忠, 郑粉莉中国土壤侵蚀与环境, 北京: 科学出版社, 2005



[1] Zheng Fenli, Chi-hua Huang, L.D. Norton. 2000. Vertical hydraulic gradient and run-on water and sediment effects on erosion processes and sediment regimes. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64(1): 4-10.

[2] Zheng Fenli, Merrill S.D., Huang C. et al. 2004. Runoff, soil erosion and erodibility of Conservation Reserve Program land under crop and hay production. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68(3): 1332-1341.

[3] Zheng Fenli, Huang C., Norton L.D. 2004. Effects of Near-Surface Hydraulic Gradients on Nitrate and Phosphorus Losses in Surface Runoff. J. Envirol. Qual. 33(6): 2174-2182.

[4] Zheng Fenli, Xiubin He, Xuetian Gao, et al. 2005. Effects of erosion patterns on nutrient loss following deforestation on the Loess Plateau of China. Agriculture, Ecosystem \u0026 Environment. 108(1): 85-97.

[5] Zheng Fenli. 2005. Effects of accelerated soil erosion on soil nutrient loss after deforestation on the Loess Plateau. Pedosphere. 15(6):707-715.

[6] Zheng Fenli, Tang Keli. 1997. Rill erosion process on steep slope land of the Loess Plateau. International Journal of Sediment Research. 12(1): 52-59.

[7] Zheng Fenli, Xiao P, Gao X. 2004. Rill erosion process and rill flow hydraulic parameters. International Journal of Sediment Research. 19(2): 130-141.

[8] Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Zhang Xunchang (John), Wang Jianxun. 2020. Assessing applicability of the WEPP hillslope model to steep landscapes in the northern Loess Plateau of China. Soil \u0026 Tillage Research, 197: 104492.

[9] Lun Wang, ZhengFenli* (通讯作者), Wei Hu, Xunchang J. Zhang, Hongqiang Shi. 2023. Interactive effects of rainfall intensity, kinetic energy and antecedent soil moisture regime on splash erosion in the Ultisol region of South China. Catena, 222, 106863.

[10] Jiaqiong Zhang, Yueting Shang, Ruru Bai, Minfeng Yin, Xiaotong Wang, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者). 2023. Sediment source determination for a series of connected check dams in an agricultural catchment in the Chinese Mollisol region. Journal of Hydrology, 617,  129045

[11] Xu X, Zheng Fenli* (通讯作者), Tang Q. 2022. Upslope sediment-laden flow impacts on ephemeral gully erosion: Evidences from field monitoring and laboratory simulation. Catena, 222:105802.

[12] Zhang Jiaqiong, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Li Zhi. 2022. A novel optimal data set approach for erosion-impacted soil quality assessments-A case-study of an agricultural catchment in the Chernozem region of Northeast China. Land Degradation and Development, 33(07): 1062-1075.

[13] Liu G, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wilson G V. 2021. Three decades of ephemeral gully erosion studies. Soil and Tillage Research, 212(39-41):105046.

[14] Xu X, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wilson G V. 2021. Flow hydraulics in an ephemeral gully system under different slope gradients, rainfall intensities and inflow conditions. Catena, 203(1–4):105359.

[15] Wang Lei, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Liu Gang. 2021. Seasonal changes of soil erosion and its spatial distribution on a long gentle hillslope in the Chinese Mollisol region. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 9(3): 394-404.

[16] Shen Hai-ou, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Zhang Xunchang J. 2020. Rill network development on loessial hillslopes in China. Earth Surface Processes of Landforms, 45(13): 3178-3184.

[17] Wang Lei, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Zhang Xunchang J. 2020. Discrimination of soil losses between ridge and furrow in longitudinal ridge-tillage under simulated upslope inflow and rainfall. Soil \u0026 Tillage Research, 198: 104541.

[18] Wang Lei, Zuo Xiaofeng, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者). 2020. The effects of freeze-thaw cycles at different initial soil water contents on soil erodibility in Chinese Mollisol region. Catena, 193:104615.

[19] Wang Zongfei, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者). 2020. Impact of vegetation succession on leaf-litter-soil C:N:P stoichiometry and their intrinsic relationship in the Ziwuling Area of China's Loess Plateau. Journal of Forestry Research, 32(2):697–711.

[20] Wang Zongfei, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者). 2020. Ecological stoichiometry of plant leaves, litter and soils in a secondary forest on China's Loess Plateau. Peer J, 8: e10084.

[21] Xu XM, Wilson G. V., Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者). 2020. The role of soil pipe and pipeflow in headcut migration processes in loessic soils. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(8):1749-1763.

[22] Zhong Keyuan, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Zhang Xunchang. 2020. Dynamic Changes in Snowfall Extremes in the Songhua River Basin, Northeastern China. International Journal of Climatology, 41(1): 423-438.

[23] Liu Gang, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Lu Jia. 2019. Interactive effects of raindrop impact and groundwater seepage on soil erosion. Journal of Hydrology, 578: 124066.

[24] Qin Chao, Wells Robert R., Momm Henrique G., Xu Ximeng, Wilson Glenn V., Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者). 2019. Photogrammetric analysis tools for channel widening quantification under laboratory conditions. Soil \u0026 Tillage Research, 191: 306-316.

[25] Jiang, Yiliang, Zheng, Fenli*(通讯作者), Wen, Leilei. 2019. Effects of sheet and rill erosion on soil aggregates and organic carbon losses for a Mollisol hillslope under rainfall simulation. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19(1): 467-477.

[26] Qin Chao, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wilson Glenn V. 2019. Apportioning contributions of individual rill erosion processes and their interactions on loessial hillslopes. Catena, 181:104099.

[27] Shen Hai-ou, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wang Lei. 2019. Effects of rainfall intensity and topography on rill development and rill characteristics on loessial hillslopes in China. Journal of Mountain Science, 16(10): 2299-2307.

[28] Qin Chao, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wells R R. 2018. A laboratory study of channel sidewall expansion in upland concentrated flows. Soil and Tillage Research,178:22-31.

[29] Xu, X., Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wilson, G. V. 2019. Quantification of upslope and lateral inflow impacts on runoff discharge and soil loss in ephemeral gully systems under laboratory conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 579: 124174.

[30] Qin Chao, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Zhang J X. 2018. A simulation of rill bed incision processes in upland concentrated flows. Catena,165:310-319.

[31] Qin C, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Xu X. 2018. A laboratory study on rill network development and morphological characteristics on loessial hillslope. Journal of Soils and Sediments,18(4):1679-1690.

[32] Xu X, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wilson G V. 2018. Comparison of runoff and soil loss in different tillage systems in the Mollisol region of Northeast China. Soil and Tillage Research, 177:1-11.

[33] Wu H, Xu X, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者). 2018. Gully morphological characteristics in the loess hilly-gully region based on 3D laser scanning technique. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,43(8):1701-1710.

[34] Feng Z, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Hu W. 2018. Impacts of mollic epipedon thickness and overloaded sediment deposition on corn yield in the Chinese Mollisol region. Agriculture, Ecosystems \u0026 Environment,257:175-182.

[35] Jiang Y, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wen L. 2018. Effects of sheet and rill erosion on soil aggregates and organic carbon losses for a Mollisol hillslope under rainfall simulation. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19(1):467-477.

[36] Zhong K, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Xu X. 2018. Discriminating the precipitation phase based on different temperature thresholds in the Songhua River Basin, China. Atmospheric Research,205:48-59.

[37] Xu X, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wilson G V. 2017. Upslope inflow, hillslope gradient, and rainfall intensity impacts on ephemeral gully erosion. Land Degradation \u0026 Development, 28(8):2623-2635.

[38] Hu W, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Bian F. 2016. The Directional Components of Splash Erosion at Different Raindrop Kinetic Energy in the Chinese Mollisol Region. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 80(5):1329-1340.

[39] Li G, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Lu J. 2016. Inflow Rate Impact on Hillslope Erosion Processes and Flow Hydrodynamics. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 80(3):711-719.

[40] Weige Yang, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Yong Han, Zhanli Wang, Yi Yi, Zhizhen Feng. 2016. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 80:317-327.

[41] Lu J, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Li G. 2016. The effects of raindrop impact and runoff detachment on hillslope soil erosion and soil aggregate loss in the Mollisol region of Northeast China. Soil \u0026 Tillage Research, 161:79-85.

[42] Shen H, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Wen L. 2016. Impacts of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on rill erosion processes at loessial hillslope. Soil and Tillage Research,155:429-436.

[43] Yinghui Guan, Xunchang Zhang, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者). 2015. Trends and variability of daily temperature extremes during 1960-2012 in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Global and Planetary Change, 124: 79-94.

[44] Yinghui Guan, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Peng Zhang. 2015. Spatial and temporal changes of meteorological disasters in China during 1950–2013. Natural Hazards, 75(3): 2607-2623.

[45] Leilei Wen, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Haiou Shen, Feng Bian, Yiliang Jiang. 2015. Rainfall intensity and inflow rate effects on hillslope soil erosion in the Mollisol region of Northeast China. Nat Hazards (2015) 79:381–395.

[46] Juan An, Zhen Fenli*(通讯作者), Bin Wang. 2014. Using 137Cs technique to investigate the spatial distribution of erosion and deposition regimes for a small catchment in the black soil region, Northeast China. Catena, 123:243-251.

[47] Juan An, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Yong Han. 2014. Effects of rainstorm patterns on runoff and sediment yield processes. Soil Science, 179(6): 293-303.

[48] Haiou Shen, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Leilei Wen. 2015. An experimental study of rill erosion and morphology. Geomorphology, 231:193-201.

[49] Qiu Lin-jing, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Yin Run-sheng. 2012. SWAT-based runoff and sediment simulation in a small watershed, the loessial hilly-gullied region of China: capabilities and challenges. International Journal of Sediment Research. 27(2):226-234.

[50] An J, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Lu J. 2012. Investigating the Role of Raindrop Impact on Hydrodynamic Mechanism of Soil Erosion Under Simulated Rainfall Conditions. Soil Science. 177(8):517-526.

[51] Wang B, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Romkens M J M. 2012. Comparison of soil erodibility factors in USLE, RUSLE2, EPIC and Dg models based on a Chinese soil erodibility database. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science, 63(1):1-11.

[52] An Juan, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Römkens Mathias J.M. 2013. The role of soil surface water regimes and raindrop impact on hillslope soil erosion and nutrient losses. Natural Hazards, 177 (8): 517-526.

[53] Bin Wang, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Frederic Darboux. 2013. Soil Erodibility in Erosion by Water: A Perspective and the Chinese Experience. Geomorphology, 187:1-10.

[54] An Shaoshan, Zheng Fenli*(通讯作者), Zhang Feng. 2008. Soil quality degradation processes along a deforestation chronosequence in the Ziwuling area, China. Catena, 75(3): 248-256.

[55] 郑粉莉*, 徐锡蒙, 覃超. 2016. 沟蚀过程研究进展. 农业机械学报,47(8):48-59.

[56] 郑粉莉*, 边锋, 卢嘉, 覃超, 徐锡蒙. 2016. 雨型对东北典型黑土区顺坡垄作坡面土壤侵蚀的影响. 农业机械学报, 47(2):90-97.

[57] 温磊磊, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 杨青森, 沈海鸥. 2012. 雨型对东北黑土区坡耕地土壤侵蚀影响的试验研究. 水利学报, 43(9):1084-1092.

[58] 贾媛媛, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 杨勤科. 2005. 黄土高原小流域分布式水蚀预报模型. 水利学报, (03): 328-333.

[59] 张玉斌, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 武敏. 2007. 土壤侵蚀引起的农业非点源污染研究进展. 水科学进展, 18(1):123-133..

[60] 王磊, 何超, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 边锋, 覃超, 徐锡蒙. 2018. 黑土区坡耕地横坡垄作措施防治土壤侵蚀的土槽试验. 农业工程学报, 34(15):141-148.

[61] 覃超, 何超, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 韩林峰, 曾创烁. 2018. 黄土坡面细沟沟头溯源侵蚀的量化研究. 农业工程学报, 34(6):160-167.

[62] 徐锡蒙, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 吴红艳, 覃超. 2015. 玉米秸秆覆盖缓冲带对细沟侵蚀及其水动力学特征的影响. 农业工程学报, 31(24):111-119.

[63] 付金霞, 张鹏, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 关颖慧, 高燕. 2016. 河龙区间近55a降雨侵蚀力与河流输沙量动态变化分析. 农业机械学报, 47(02):185-192+207.

[64] 李桂芳, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 卢嘉, 安娟. 2015. 降雨和地形因子对黑土坡面土壤侵蚀过程的影响. 农业机械学报, 46(4):147-154, 182.

[65] 沈海鸥, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 温磊磊, 姜义亮, 卢嘉. 2015. 降雨强度和坡度对细沟形态特征的综合影响. 农业机械学报, 46(7):162-170.

[66] 沈海鸥, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 温磊磊, 卢嘉. 2015. 雨滴打击对黄土坡面细沟侵蚀特征的影响. 农业机械学报, 46(8):104-112.

[67] 覃超, 吴红艳, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 徐锡蒙, 边锋. 2016. 黄土坡面细沟侵蚀及水动力学参数的时空变化特征. 农业机械学报,47(8):146-154, 207.

[68] 覃超, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 徐锡蒙, 何煦. 2016. 基于立体摄影技术的细沟与细沟水流参数测量及特征. 农业机械学报, 47(11):150-156.

[69] 徐锡蒙, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 覃超, 吴红艳. 2015. 沟蚀发育的黄土坡面上秸秆覆盖防蚀效果研究. 农业机械学报, 46(8):130-137.

[70] 钟科元, 郑粉莉*(通讯作者), 吴红艳, 覃超. 2017. 松花江流域极端降雨变化对流域输沙量的影响. 农业机械学报, 48(8):245-252+321.







