1. 简单百科
  2. 姜子德
























1) 李敏慧,余雄涛,王鸿飞,周佳暖,习平根,姜子德*.(2012)香蕉枯萎病菌1号和4号生理小种的快速检测与鉴定. 中国农业科学,45(19):3971-3979.

2) 刘月廉,周娟,赵志慧,习平根,姜子德*. (2011)广东省火龙果腐烂病病原鉴定.华中农业大学学报,30(5):585-588.

3) 李敏慧,张荣,姜大刚,习平根,庄楚雄,姜子德*.(2009)根癌农杆菌介导的香蕉枯萎病菌4号生理小种的转化 植物病理学报,39(4):405-412.

4) 闫文娟,李泰辉,唐芳勇,郑必胜,姜子德*. (2009)广东虫草多糖的提取及含量测定。华南农业大学学报,30(4):53-56

5) Minhui Li, Xiaoling Xie, Xianfeng Lin, Jinxiu Shi, Zhaojian Ding, Jinfeng Ling, Pinggen Xi, Jianuan Zhou, Shaobin Zhong and Zide Jiang*. 泛函 characterization of the gene FoOCH1 encoding a putative α-1, 6-mannosyltransferase in 镰刀菌属 oxysporum f. sp. cubense. Fungal Genet Biol. 2014, 65(Apr. 4): 1-13

6) Sun LH,Yan MX,Ding ZJ,Liu YB,Du MG,Xi PG,Liao JL,Ji LH,Jiang ZD*. (2014)Improved dominant selection markers and co-culturing conditions for efficient 农杆菌属 tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Ustilago scitaminea. Biotechnology letters,in press (DOI 10.1007/s10529-014-1486-5,Online)

7) Li MH, Shi JS, Xie XL, Leng YQ, Wang HF, Xi PG, Zhou JN, Zhong SB, Jiang ZD*.(2013) Identification and Application of a Unique Genetic Locus in Diagnosis of 镰刀菌属 oxysporum f. sp. cubense Tropical Race 4. Canadian Journal of 植物界 病理学,35(4): 482-493

8) Liu YL., Xi PG., He XL., Jiang ZD*. (2013) Phialophora avicenniae sp. nov., a new endophytic fungus in Avicennia marina in China. Mycotaxon, 124:31-37

9) Zeng LS, Zhao ZH, Lv S, Xi ZJ, Li MH, Xi PG, Jiang ZD*.(2013) The 镰刀菌属 物种 isolated from banana and their phylogenetic relationships. Mycosystema, 32(4): 617-632

10) Du WW, Fang L, Li M, Yang X, Liang Y, Peng C, Qian W, O'Malley YQ, Askeland Sugg RW, Qian S J, Lin J,Jiang ZD, Yee AJ, Sefton M, Deng Z, Shan SW, Wang CH, Yang BB. (2013) MicroRNA miR-24 Enhances Tumor Invasion and Metastasis by Targeting PTPN9 and PTPRF to Promote 西妥昔单抗 Signaling. J Cell Sci, 126(6): 1440-1453

11) He XL, Li TH, Xi PG, Jiang ZD, Shen YH. (2013) Phylogeny of Entoloma s.l. 亚属 Pouzarella, with descriptions of five new 物种 from China. Fungal Diversity, 58: 227–243.

12) 成姓 YY,Liu XL,An SW,Chang CQ,Zou YQ,Huang LH,Zhong J,Liu QG,Jiang ZD,Zhou JN,Zhang LH. (2013)A nonribosomal peptide synthase containing a stand-alone condensation domain is essential for phytotoxin zeamine biosynthesis. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions,26(11):1294-1301.

13) 蓝姓 GB, He ZF, Xi PG, Jiang ZD. (2012) First report of 褐色 spot disease caused by Neoscytalidium dimidiatum on 量天尺属 undatus in Guangdong, 汉语词类 Mainland. 植物界 Disease, 96(11):1702

14) Shen WK, Xi PG, Li MH, Sun LH, Zhang LH, Jiang ZD*. (2012)Development of A Sensitive Nested-PCR Assay for Detection of Ustilago scitaminea. African Journal of Biotechnology,11(46):10541-10547.

15) Shen WK, Xi PG, Li MH, Liu R, Sun LH, Jiang ZD*, Zhang LH. (2012)Genetic diversity of Ustilago scitaminea Syd. in Southern China revealed by combined ISSR and RAPD analysis. African Journal of Biotechnology,11(54):11693-11703.

16) Zhou JN, Zhang HB, Wu JE, Liu QG, Xi PG, Lee J, Liao JL, Jiang ZD, Zhang LH .(2011)A novel multidomain polyketide synthase is essential for zeamine production and the virulence of Dickeya zeae. Molecular 植物界Microbe Interactions. 24(10): 1156-1164

17) He XL, Li TH, Jiang ZD*, Shen Y H. (2011)Entoloma mastoideum and E. praegracile —两双 new 物种 from China. Mycotaxon, 116: 413–419

18) Li MH, Yang B, Leng Y, Chao CP, Liu JM, He ZF, Jiang ZD, Zhong S. Molecular characterization of 镰刀菌属 oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 1 and 4 isolates from Taiwan and Southern China. Canadian Journal of 植物界 病理学, 2011, 33 (2): 168–178

19) Deng WQ,Li TH,Xi PG,Gan LX,Xiao ZD,Jiang ZD. (2011)Peptide 毒素 components of 鹅膏属 exitialis basidiocarps. Mycologia, 103 (5): 946-949

20) Yan WJ, Li TH, Lin QY, Song B, Jiang ZD*. (2010) Safety assessment of 虫草属 guangdongensis. Food and Chemical 毒理学, 48: 3080-3084

21) Zhao ZH, Lv GZ, Jiang ZD*. (2010) 物种 in section Gibbosum of 镰刀菌属 in China. Mycosystema, 29(6):857-863

22) He XL, Li TH, Jiang ZD*. Three species of white Entoloma new to China. Mycosystema,2010,29(6):920-923

23) Ji LH, Jiang ZD, Liu YB, Mei C, 氢氧化钾 J, Zhang L H. (2010)A Simplified and efficient method for transformation and gene tagging of Ustilago maydisusing frozen cells. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 47:279-287

24) Tao J,Zhang GM,Jiang ZD,成姓 YH,Feng JJ, Chen (2009)Detection of Pathogenic Verticillium spp. Using 基体assisted Laser Desorption/ionization Time-of-flight 质量 Spectrometry. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, 3:3647–3654

25) Kahai S, Lee SC, Lee DY, Yang J, Li MH, Wang CH, Jiang ZD, Zhang YO, peng C, Yang BB. (2009)MicroRNA miR-378 Regulates Nephronectin Expression Modulating Osteoblast Differentiation by Targeting GalNT-7. PLoS ONE, 4(10): e7535
