1990-1994年同济医科大学 助教;
2005-2009年任美国佛罗里达大学医学院病理学、免疫学和实验医学系的Assistant Scientist;
主讲生物学院本科生 《药理学》课程。
主讲生物学院研究生 《专业英语》课程。
多年来一直从事消化道肿瘤和肝炎的发病机制、耐药机制以及药物与疫苗研发工作。主持承担国家科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金等多项科研项目,共计科研经费1000余万元。在PNAS、Gastroenterology、Hepatology、J Virology等国际顶级学术刊物上发表70余篇论文,其中多篇论文被撰写述评和作为研究亮点报道。多次应邀在病毒性肝炎和肝病国际国内学术会议上作特邀报告。获得1项美国发明专利并授权,申请了另一项美国和欧盟发明专利,申请了多项国家发明专利,其中5项已获授权。获得湖南省科技进步奖1项。
1、“核酸适体在丙型肝炎早期诊断和靶向治疗中的应用基础研究”(2009ZX10004-312) “艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”国家科技重大专项 768万元。
2、“丙型病毒性肝炎发病机制探讨”教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 50万元。
3、“肝炎病毒感染小鼠模型的构建”湖南省科研条件创新专项 5万元。
1. Eksioglu E, Bess J,Zhu H, Xu Y, Dong H, Elyar J, Nelson DR, Liu C. Hepatitis C 病毒 modulates human monocyte-derived dendritic cells.J Vir Hepat 2010; 17:757-769 (IF:3.348)。
2. Eksioglu EA, Bess J, Jones G, Dettloff J, Dangmeon P, Dong HJ,Zhu H, Firpi R, Xu Y, Nelson DR, Liu C. Characterization of anti-HCV antibodies in IL-10 treated patients.Viral Immunology 2010;23:359-368 (IF:1.779)。
3.Zhu H, Elyar J, Foss R, Hemming A, Hall E, Lecluyse EL, Liu C. Primary human hepatocyte culture forHCV study.Methods Mol Biol, 2009 510:373-382。
4. Kenworthy R, Lambert D, Yang F, Wang N, Chen Z,Zhu H, Zhu F, Liu C, Li K, Tang H. Short-hairpin RNAs delivered by 慢病毒属 向量 transduction trigger RIG-I-mediated IFN activation.Nucleic Acids Res.2009;37:6587-6599 (IF: 7.48)。
5. Wu H,Zhu H, Zhuang J, Liu C, Cao YC. H₂Osoluble nanocrystals through dual-interaction ligands.Angew Chem Int Edit. 2008; 47:3730-34. (IF: 11.829)Butler SL, Dong H, Cardona D, Jia M, Zheng R,Zhu H, Crawford JM, Liu C. The 抗原 for Hep Par 1 antibody is the 尿素 cycle enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1.Lab Invest 2008; 88:78-88. (IF: 4.602)。
6.Zhu H, Dong H, Eksioglu E, Hemming A, Cao M, Crawford CM, Nelson DR, Liu C. Hepatitis C 病毒 triggers cell 死亡 through innate intracellular antiviral defense system.Gastroenterology 2007; 133:1649-1659 (IF: 12.899)。
7. Liu C,Zhu H, Subramanian MG, Moore PA, Xu Y, Nelson DR. Anti-hepatitis C 病毒 activity of albinterferon alfa-2b in cell culture.Hepatology Research. 2007; 37:941-947. (IF: 1.540)。
8. Cao M, Cabrera R, Xu Y, Firpi R,Zhu H, Liu C, Nelson DR. Hepatocellular carcinoma cell supernatants increase expansion and function of CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells.Lab Invest. 2007, 87:582-590. (IF: 4.602)。
9.*Firpi RJ,Zhu H, Morelli G, Abdelmalek MF, Reed AI, Liu C, Nelson DR. Cyclosporine suppresses hepatitis C 病毒 in vitro and increase the chance of sustained virological response after liver transplantation.Liver Transplantation 2006, 12:51-57(see Editorial on Page 19-21)(IF: 4.085)。
10.Zhu H, Butera M, Nelson DR and Liu C. Novel type I Interferon IL-28A suppresses hepatitis C viral 核糖核酸 replication.Virology J2005, 2:80 (IF: 2.435)。
11.Zhu H, Nelson DR, Crawford JM and Liu C. Defective JAK-STAT activation in host cells confers hepatitis C viral interferon-alpha resistance.J of Interferon and 细胞因子 Res 2005, 25(9): 528-539 (IF: 1.627)。
12. Rufforny I, Wilkinson EJ, Liu C,Zhu H, Buteral M, Massoll NA. Human papillomavirus infection and p16 (INK4a) protein expression in vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive squamous cell carcinoma.J Lower Genital Tract Disease. 2005, 9(2):108-113。
13.Zhu H, Shang X, Terada N, Liu C. STAT3 induces anti-肝炎 C viral activity in liver cells.Biochem and Biophys Res Commun 2004; 324:518-528 (IF: 2.55)。
14. Shang XZ,Zhu H, Lin K, Tu Z, Chen J, Nelson DR and Liu C. Stabilized b-catenin promotes hepatocyte proliferation and inhibits TNFa-induced apoptosis.Laboratory Investigation 2004; 84:332-341 (IF: 4.602)。
15. Nelson DR, Tu Z, Soldevila-Pico C, Abdelmalek M,Zhu H, Xu YL, Cabrera R, Liu C and Davis G. Long-term interleukin10 therapy in chronic hepatitis C patients has a proviral and anti-inflammatory effect.Hepatology2003; 38:859-868 (IF: 11.355)。
16. *Liu C,Zhu H, Tu Z, Xu YL and Nelson DR. CD8+ T cell interaction with HCV replicon cells: evidence for both 细胞因子 and cell—mediated antiviral activity.Hepatology2003; 37:1335-1342 (IF:11.355)
17.*Zhu H, Zhao H, Collins CD, Eckerrode SE, Ruan Q, Mcindoe RA, Crawford JM, Nelson DR, She JX and Liu C. Gene expression associated with interferon alfa antiviral activity in an HCV replicon cell line.Hepatology 2003; 37:1180-1188(see Editorial on Page 975-978) (IF: 11.355)。
18.Zhu H and Liu C. Interleukin-1 inhibit hepatitis C 病毒 subgenomic 核糖核酸 replication by activation of extracellular regulated kinase pathway.J Virology 2003; 77:5493-5498 (IF: 5.15)。
19.Zhu HZ, Ruan YB, Wu ZB and Zhang CM. Kupffer cell and apoptosis in experimental HCC.World J Gastroenterol 2000; 6:405-407(IF:2.092)。
20.Zhu H, Ruan Y, Yang M, Wu Z, Zhang C. The influence of Kupffer cells on apoptosis in the experimental hepatocellular carcinoma.Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 2000; 9:138-141。
21. Staudacher C, Chiappa A, Zbar AP, Bertani E, Biella F,Haizhen Z. Evalution of risk factors in the development of postoperative complications in patients undergoing liver resection for cancer.Chir Itl 2000; 52:123-129。
22.Zhu H, Ruan Y, Wu Z. The influence of Kupffer cells on the expression of apoptosis related genes in experimental hepatocellular carcinoma.Acta Univ Med Tongji 2000; 29:97-99。
23.Zhu H, Ruan Y, Yang M, Wu Z and Ivankovic S. The role of Kupffer cells in experimental hepatocarcinogenesis: a microscopic, light and electron microscopic observation.Acta Univ Med Tongji 1998; 27:420-422, 430。
24.Zhu H, Ruan Y, Wu Z. The influence of Kupffer cells on experimental hepatocarcinogenesis.Zhonghua Bing Li Xue Za Zhi [Chin J Pathol] 1998; 27: 102-104。
1.Zhu H, Elyar J, Foss R, Hemming A, Hall E, Lecluyse EL, Liu C. Chapter 28 Primary human hepatocyte culture for HCV study.Hepatitis C: Methods and Protocols (2Edition). Vol 510Methods 摩尔 Biol, p373-382. The Humana Press, 2009。
Human liver cancer cell line. International Application No. PCT/US2007/ 006722.
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