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  2. 贾建民





















美国权威学术期刊《Operations Research》副主编(Associate Editor)






贾建民教授是中国国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,他的多项研究还获得了美国国家科学基金和香港特区政府研究资助委员会的资助,贾建民的研究成果获得了国际学术界的广泛认可,他在《Management Science》、《Marketing Science》、《Journal of Consumer Research》、《Operations Research》等国际最权威的管理科学和市场营销学术期刊上发表论文20篇,在国际会议、英文书籍和中文学术期刊上发表论文60余篇,并在多个重要国际会议上担任大会主席或分会主席。


Jianmin Jia and James S. Dyer (1996), "A standard measure of risk and risk-value models," Management Science, Vol. 42, No. 12, pp. 1691-1705.

J.J. Inman, J.S. Dyer, and J. Jia (1997), "A generalized utility model of disappointment and regret effects on post-choice valuation," Marketing Science, Vol.16, No. 2, pp. 97-111.

James S. Dyer and Jianmin Jia (1997), "Relative risk-value models," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 103, No. 1, pp. 170-185.

J.C. Butler, J. Jia, and J.S. Dyer (1997), "Simulation techniques for the sensitivity analysis of multi-criteria decision models," European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 103, No. 3, pp. 531-546.

J. Jia, G.W. Fischer, and J. S. Dyer (1998), "Attribute weighting methods and decision quality in the presence of response error: A simulation study," Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 85-105.

James S. Dyer and Jianmin Jia (1998), "Preference conditions for utility models: A risk-value 透视," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 80, pp. 167-182.

J.S. Dyer, T. Edmunds, J.C. Butler, and J. Jia (1998), “A multiattribute utility analysis of alternatives for the disposition of surplus weapons-grade ,” Operations Research, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 749-762.

R.T. Rust, J. J. Inman, J. Jia, and A. Zahorik (1999), "What you don’t know about customer-perceived quality: The role of customer expectation distributions," Marketing Science, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 77-92.

J. Jia, J.S. Dyer, and J.C. Butler (1999), "Measures of perceived risk," Management Science, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 519-532.

G.W. Fischer, M.F. Luce, and J. Jia (2000), “Attribute conflict and preference uncertainty: Effects on response 时间 and error,” Management Science, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 88-103.

G.W. Fischer, J. Jia, and M.F. Luce (2000), “Attribute conflict and preference uncertainty: The RandMAU Model,” Management Science, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 669-684.

J. Jia, J.S. Dyer and J.C. Butler (2001), "Generalized disappointment models," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp59-78.

M.F. Luce,J. Jia, and G.W. Fischer (2003), “How much do you like it? Within-alternative conflict and subjective confidence in consumer judgments,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 30, No.3, pp464-472.

J.C. Butler, A.N. Chebeskov, J.S. Dyer, T.A. Edmunds, J. Jia, V.I. Oussanov (2005),“The United States and Russia evaluate disposition options with multiattribute utility theory,” Interfaces, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 88-101.

J.C. Butler, J.S. Dyer and J. Jia (2005),“An empirical investigation of the assumptions of risk-value models,” Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp.133-156.

Rong Chen and Jianmin Jia (2005), “Consumer choices under small probabilities: Overweighting or underweighting?” Marketing Letters, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp.5-18.

J.C. Butler, J.S. Dyer and J. Jia (2006)“Using Attributes to Predict Objectives in Preference Models,” Decision Analysis, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.100-116.

J.C. Butler, J.S. Dyer, J. Jia and K. Tomak (2008),“Enabling E-transactions with Multi-attribute Preference Models,” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.186, 二氧化氮, pp.748-765.

Rong Chen and Jianmin Jia (2012), “Regret and 表演 Uncertainty in Consumer Repeat Choice,” Marketing Letters, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 353-365


J. Jia, J.S. Dyer and Y. Guo (1995), "Decision making under risk: A mean-risk approach and portfolio selection," in Optimization Techniques and Applications, ICOTA’95, Vol. 2, edited by G. Liu et al., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

James S. Dyer and Jianmin Jia (1996), "Preference theory," in Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, edited by Saul Gass and Carl Harris, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

J.S. Dyer, T. Edmunds, J.C. Butler, and J. Jia (1998), “Evaluation of alternatives for the disposition of surplus weapons-grade ,” in Applied Decision Analysis, pp. 225-234, edited by Francisco Javier Giron, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

J.C. Butler, A.N. Chebeskov, J.S. Dyer, T.A. Edmunds, J. Jia, and V.I. Oussanov (2007), “The Adoption of Multi-Atttribute Utility Theory for the Evaluation of Disposition Options in the United States and Russia,” Advances in Decision Analysis: From Foundations to Applications, pp. 489-513, edited by Ward Edwards et al., Cambridge University Press.

J. Jia, JS Dyer, and J Butler (2009), "Axiomatic models of perceived risk," in Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, edited by Brian Everitt \u0026 Ed Melnick, John Wiley \u0026 Sons.

J. Jia, JS Dyer, and J Butler (2009), "Axiomatic measures of risk and risk-value models,” in Encyclopedia of Quantitative Risk Analysis and Assessment, edited by Brian Everitt \u0026 Ed Melnick, John Wiley \u0026 Sons, forthcoming.

Jianmin Jia and James Dyer (2009), “Decision making based on risk value tradeoffs,” in Essays in Honor of Peter C. Fishburn, pp. 59-72, edited by Brames et al., Springer-Verlag (Studies in Choice and Welfare Series)..


贾建民,“行为经济学和决策制定”,《中外管理评论》,No. 10, 2002.

时 勘,范红霞,贾建民 等,“我国民众对严重急性呼吸综合征信息的风险认知及心理行为”, 《心理学报》,第35卷, 第4期, 第546-554页, 2003年7月。

SHI Kan, LU Jiafang, FAN Hongxia, JIA Jianmin, SONG Zhaoli, LI Wendong, GAO Jing, CHEN Xuefeng, HU Weipeng,“The Rationality of 17 Cities’ Public Perception of 严重急性呼吸综合征 and the Predictive Model of Psychological Behaviors”,Chinese Science Bulletin,Vol. 48, No. 13, pp.1297-1303, 2003 (SCI).

时 勘,陆佳芳,范红霞,贾建民 等, SARS危机中17城市民众的理性特征及心理行为预测模型”,《科学通报》,第48卷, 第13期,第1378-1383页, 2003年7月。

陈荣, 贾建民,“消费者选择中后悔和不确定性的作用研究”,《管理科学学报》, Vol.8,No.6,2005.

高充彦,贾建民,赵平,“考虑不确定性影响的银行服务质量评价”,《南开管理评论》, Vol.9, No.4, pp.4-7,2006.


唐小飞, 贾建民, 周庭锐,“关系投资和价格促销的价值比较研究”,《管理世界》, No.5, 2007。

郝辽钢, 高充彦, 贾建民,“价格折扣呈现方式对促销效果影响的实证研究”,《管理世界》,2008, No. 10, pp. 106-114,126.

范春梅,李华强,贾建民,“5·12汶川地震对房地产市场消费行为影响研究”,《管理评论》,2008, No. 12, pp. 45-49.

贾建民,李华强,范春梅,郝辽钢,王顺洪,解洪,“汶川地震重灾区与非重灾区民众风险感知对比分析”,《管理评论》,2008, No. 12, pp. 4-8, 29.

唐小飞, 周庭锐, 贾建民, “CRM赢回策略对消费者购买行为影响的实证研究,”《南开管理评论》, 2009, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 57-63.

唐小飞,贾建民,周庭锐,尹洪娟,“遭遇员工态度问题和不公平价格的顾客满意度补救研究,” 《管理世界》,2009, No. 5, pp. 107-118.

李华强, 范春梅, 贾建民, 王顺洪, 郝辽钢,“突发性灾害中的公众风险感知与应急管理,”《管理世界》,2009,No. 6, pp. 52-60.

寿志钢,王峰,贾建民,“顾客累积满意度的测量——基于动态顾客期望的解析模型,” 《南开管理评论》,2011,Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 142-150

16] 范春梅,贾建民,李华强。食品安全事件中的公众风险感知及应对行为研究,《管理评论》, 2012,24(1):163-168,176.

范春梅,贾建民,李华强. 重大灾害情境下感知风险对消费信心的影响研究——以5·12汶川地震为例,《管理学报》,2012,9(6):900-907.




王炼,贾建民。突发性灾害事件风险感知的动态特征——来自网络搜索的证据,《管理评论》, 2014,26(5):169-176.



王炼,贾建民. 基于网络搜索的票房预测模型,《系统工程理论与实践》, 2014, 34(12): 3079-3090.

王炼,宁一鉴,贾建民. 基于网络搜索的销量与市场份额预测: 来自中国汽车市场的证据, 《管理工程学报》, 2015, 29(4):56-64..




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