1. 简单百科
  2. 邓越凡


邓越凡,1962年12月出生,黄冈市人。1979年7月考入南开大学物理科学学院,毕业时获得“南开大学奖学金”。1983年8月通过中美联合培养物理研究生的卡斯比(CUSPEA)考试,赴美国哥伦比亚大学就读,在诺曼·克里斯特(Norman H. Christ)和李政道等指导下完成研究学习,1989年5月获得哥伦比亚大学理论物理博士学位。之后,在纽约大学科朗数学研究所 (Courant Institute)跟随詹姆斯·格里姆做博士后研究三个月。于1989年9月加入纽约州立纽约州立大学石溪分校(Stony Brook University) 应用数学系,1994年他31岁时被聘为该校终身教授,36岁时晋升为正教授。2010年山东省聘为泰山学者   海外特聘专家。2012年入选国家第八批专家,同年底增选为数学物理专业委员会。


邓越凡1989年9月进入纽约州立石溪大学,成为J. Glimm、杨振宁、G. 褐色、D. Sharp、J. Davenport、R. Peierls的同事与合作伙伴。其教学、研究活动遍及美国、中国大陆、香港特别行政区台湾省韩国日本、巴西、俄罗斯德国英国土耳其加拿大新加坡沙特阿拉伯等,并在全球多个教育与研究机构任职或合作。主要工作经历如下:

1989年9月—91年1月 纽约州立纽约州立大学石溪分校应用数学系客座助理教授

1991年1月—94年5月 纽约州立石溪大学应用数学系助理教授

1994年5月—99年1月 纽约州立石溪大学应用数学系副教授

1999年1月— 纽约州立石溪大学应用数学系教授

1993年1月—00年9月 纽约州立石溪大学科学计算中心主任

1995年5月—96年9月 香港科技大学客座副教授

1997年5月— 纽约州立石溪大学生命医学工程兼职教授

1998年6月—98年7月 洛斯阿拉莫斯( Los Alamos)国家实验室客座研究员

1999年9月—00年4月 IBM 沃森(T. J. Watson Lab)实验室研究员

1999年1月— 布鲁克海文(Brookhaven)国家实验室客座研究员

2001年4月— 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所顾问委员会成员

2002年8月—06年6月 南开大学科学计算研究所所长,南开大学特聘讲座教授

2009年1月-- 纽约州立纽约州立大学石溪分校国际事务学院副院长、孔子学院常务副院长

在2013-2014 学术休假年,邓越凡应邀在下列机构任访问教授从事超级计算研究和教学:台湾成功大学圣保罗大学新加坡科技研究局新加坡国立大学


在纽约州立石溪大学的20多年间,邓越凡发表80多篇论(之2014年)涵盖物理、应用数学、计算科学、生命科学和生物医学工程多领域,申请13项中美发明专利,出版两本教科书。他已指导过20多名来自美国德国,中国内地,香港特别行政区台湾省俄罗斯墨西哥西班牙的博士生,并给超过4500名大学本科生上常微分方程主课,每学期都被学生们评为优秀教授。与此同时,他对 高中生的培养也倾注了心血,其指导的20多名高中生中绝大多数学生获得了美国“高中生天才奖”。




在美国哥伦比亚大学取得理论物理博士学位后,邓越凡转向蓬勃发展的超级计算机和科学计算学科,先后在著名的IBM沃森(T. J. Watson Lab)实验室、美国洛斯阿拉莫斯 (Los Alamos) 国家实验室、布鲁克海文 (Brookhaven) 国家实验室,以及韩国高等科学技术研究院做研究。同时,还主持过由中国科技部、上海市科委、山东省科技厅、美国国家科学基金会、美国国家能源部、美国军事研究机构、美国国立卫生研究院和纽约州政府资助的多个项目,项目累计金额超过四千万美元。


Galaxy Computer:1998年为纽约州立纽约州立大学石溪分校设计建造的超级计算机


SeaWulf Supercomputer:2006年纽约州立大学斥资600万美元,为纽约州立石溪大学与布鲁克海文 (Brookhaven) 国家实验室协助建造的近百万亿次并行机。






1. 内外连网络拓扑架构及自洽扩展该架构的并行计算系统,专利号:ZL200610029753.0

2. 自洽多阶张量扩展方法及多MPU并行计算系统,专利号:ZL200610030472.7

3. 基于MPU网络拓扑结构的高效中长程通信路由方法,专利号:ZL200610117704.2

4. 基于环绕网络与超立方网络架构的混合多阶张量扩展方法,专利号:ZL200710042397.0

5. 基于MPU架构的超高扩展超级计算系统,专利号:ZL200710044230.8

6. A Mixed Torus and Hypercube Multi-rank Tensor Expansion Method,美国专利号:US8,510,535 B2

7. An Ultra-scalable Supercomputer Based on MPU 建筑,美国专利号:US8,159,973 B2


1. Y. Deng, C. Marques,R. Powell and P. Zhang, Analysis of 功率 and Linpackefficienciesof the world's Top 500 supercomputers,Parallel Comp.[span]Vol. 39, Issues 6-7 (2013) pp 271-279,

2. R. Feng, P. Zhang, J.Davenport, and Y. Deng, Network 设计 considerationsfor Exascalesupercomputers,International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing andSystems(Peer-reviewedand Accepted 9/6/2012)

3. Y. Deng, A. Ramos,and J. Hornos, Group theory insightsfor 设计 ofsupercomputer network topologies,Int. J. Mod. Phys. BVol. 26 No. 31 (2012)1250169 (7 pp)

4. R. Feng, P. Zhang 安德鲁 Deng, SimulatedPerformanceEvaluation of a 6DMesh/iBT Interconnect, SNPD 2012. 13th ACISInternational Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence,Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (2012) pp253-259

5. P. Zhang and Y. Deng, An Analysis of the Topological Propertiesof the Interlaced Bypass Torus (iBT)Networks, Applied 数学ematicsLetters, Vol. 25 Issue 12 (2012) 2147-2155

6. Y. Deng and P. Zhang, Perspectives onExascale Computing, New Computing Architectures and Applications, Vol.1. pp8-22 (9/2010)

7. P. Zhang and Y. Deng, 设计 and Analysis of PipelinedBroadcast for the All-PortInterlaced Bypass Torus Networks,IEEE Trans. Parallel andDistributed Systems Vol. 23Issue 12 (2012) pp 2245-2253

8. P. Zhang, R. Powell, and Y. Deng, Interlacing Bypass Rings toTorus Networks for Generating more Efficient Networks, IEEE Trans.Parallel and Distributed Systems Vol. 22Issue 2 (2011) pp. 287-295

9. F. Feng, M. Xenos, G.Girdhar, J. Davenport, Y. Deng, D. Bluestein, Viscous Flow Simulation in a StenosisModel Using DiscreteParticle 动力学: A Comparison Between DPD and CFD, Biomechanics and Modeling in MechanobiologyVol. 11Issues 1-2 (2012) pp 119-129

10. T. Yamaguchi, T. Ishikawa, Y. Imai, N. Matsuki, M. Xenos, Y.Deng, D. Bluestein, Particle Based Methods for Multiscale Modeling of Blood Flowin the Circulationand in Devices– Challenges and Future Directions,Annals of Biomedical Eng.2009; 38(3): 1225–1235

11. Y. Chen and Y. Deng, A Detailed analysisof communicationload balance on BlueGene supercomputer, Comp. Phys. Comm., 180(2009), pp 1251-1258

12. Y. Deng, A. Korobka, Z. Lou, and P. Zhang, Perspectives on PetascaleProcessing, KISTI Supercomputer, Vol. 31(2008), pp.36-59

13. Y. Chen and Y. Deng, Task mapping on supercomputerswith cellular networks, Comp. Phys. Comm.179(2008), pp. 479-485

14. X. Chen and Y. Deng, Simulations of a specificinhibitor of the disheveled PDZ domain, J. 摩尔 Modeling, Vol.15 (2009), pp. 91-96

15. K. Oh and Y. Deng, A efficient parallelimplementation of thesmooth particle mesh Ewaldmethodfor molecular 动力学 simulations,Comp. Phys. Comm.177(2007),pp 426-431

16. B. Fang, G. Martyna, and Y. Deng, A fine grainedparallel smooth particle meshEwald algorithmfor biophysical simulation studies: applications to the 6Dtorus supercomputer,Comp. Phys. comm177(2007), pp.362-377

17. Y. Chen, X. Chen, and Y. Deng, Simulating BotulinumNeurotoxin withConstant pH Molecular 动力学in Generalized BornImplicit Solvent,Comp. Phys. Comm.177(2007), pp210-213

18. P. Rissland and Y. Deng, Supercomputers and their effectson molecular dynamics, IEEE Potentials,April/May Issue, 9-12 (2005). Chinese Translation appeared in ChinaComputer WorldVol. 34 (May 2005)

19. B. Fang and Y. Deng, and G. Martyna, Parallel FFT on QCDOCsupercomputer, Comp. Phys. Comm. 176(2007) 531-538

20. G. Han, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, G. Martyna, Error and timing analysis ofmultiple 时间 Stepping for MD, Comp. Phys. Comm.176(2007), pp 271-291

21. X. Chen and Y. Deng, Botulinum structures at varioustemperatures and pH values, J. 摩尔 Modeling, 13(5) (2007) 559-572

22. Y. Deng, J. Glimm, J. Davenport, X. Cai, and E. Santos, 表演 Models on QCDOCfor Molecular动力学 with Coulomb Potentials,Int. J. High PerformanceComputing Applications.Vol. 18, Num. 2 (2004) 183-198

23. Y. Deng, J. Glimm, and J. Davenport, Global Communication Schemes onQCDOC,IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Computing.

24. B. Li and Y. Deng: Biography of Prof Chen Ning Yang(in Chinese, Word format), Biographies of ContemporaryChinese Scientists, Vol. 3 (1994).English translation (in PDF)appears in "C.N. Yang: A Great Physicist of the 20th Century", Chapter 19, editedby C. S. Liu and S.-T. Yau

25. Yasar and Y. Deng, D. Saltz, and R. Tuzun: Guest Editors for New Trend in High 表演 Computing, Special Issue of ParallelComputing. Vol. 27 Issues 1-2 (2001)

26. N. Stojic and J. Glimm and Y. Deng and J. Haus, Transverse magnetic modesin two-dimensionaltriangular photonic crystalsPhys. Rev. E, Vol. 64(2001), pp. 1-7

27. Y. Deng and A. Korobka, Performance of a supercomputerBuilt with 大宗商品 Components, Parallel Computing, Vol. 27Issues 1-2(2001), pp 91-108

28. Y. Deng, J. Glimm, Y. Wang, A. Korobka, M. Eisenberg, and A.P. Grollman, Prediction of Protein Binding toDNA in the Presence of 液态水Mediated Hydrogen Bonds, Journal ofMolecular Modelling.Vol. 5(1999) 125-133.

29. S. Chen, Y. Deng, and X. Nie, Y. Tu Clustering Kineticsof Granular Media in Three Dimensions,Physical Letters,Vol. 269(2000), pp 218-223

30. K. Chu and Y. Deng, Quick Minimization of Total能量 of Large Lennard-Jones Clusters,Grand Challengesin Computer Simulation,Proceedings of ASTC Conference. Ed. Adrian Tentner,San Diego, CA (1999), pp 37-42

31. Y. Deng, R. Peierls, and C. Rivera, An adaptive loadbalancing method for parallel molecular 动力学 simulations(in pdf or ps), Journal ofComputational Physics.Vol. 161(2000), pp. 250-263

32. K. Chu, Y. Deng, and J. Reinitz, Parallel Simulated AnnealingAlgorithms by Mixing States, Journal of ComputationalPhysics.Vol. 148 (1999), pp 646-662

33. Y. Deng and C. Rivera, Simple 能量 minimizationfor hugeLennard-Jones clusters by dramatic parameter reduction,Applied 数学 LettersVol. 12, (1999) pp.119-125

34. Y. Deng and C. Rivera, Approximate energy minimizationfor LargeLennard-Jones clusters,Journal Global Optimization.16(2000) pp. 325-341

35. Y. Deng and R. Peierls, An Asynchronous DecompositionApproach to Parallel Global Optimization,Applied Math Letters. Vol.11(1998), pp 55-59

36. J. Asvestas, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, and F.Tangerman, ElectromagneticScattering from large cavities,Communications of Applied AnalysisVol. 2, Num. 1 (1998), pp. 37-48

37. Y. Qian and Y. Deng, A Lattice BGK Model for ViscoelasticMedia,Physical Review Letters.Vol.79No.14 (1997), pp2742-2746

38. R. Alan McCoy and Y. Deng, Parallel embedded-atom methodsimulationswith delayed electron density approximations,Computer PhysicsCommunications, 100(1997), pp. 41-46

39. R. Alan McCoy and Y. Deng, Parallel Particle Simulations of Thin-Film Deposition,Int. J. HighPerformance Computing Applications,Vol. 13, No. 1 (1999), 帕塔查雅·平莎莫 16-32

40. Y. Deng, M. Mu, and C-C Chou, Numerical Methods forSimulating Ginsburg-Landau Vortices,in Proceedings of High PerformanceComputing 1996, Ed. Adrian Tentner, San Diego, CA (1996) pp. 96-100

41. Y. Deng and R. A. McCoy, Computing Sticking Coefficientsfor Cu byLocalized Molecular Dynamics on Parallel Processors, in Proceedings of HighPerformance Computing 1996, Ed. Adrian Tentner, San Diego, CA (1996) 18-24.

42. M. Mu, Y. Deng, and C-C Chou, Ginsburg-Landau Vorticesfor Type-II Superconductors: A Numerical Study, SIAM J. Sci. Comp.V. 19, No 4, (1998) pp 1333-1339

43. C-C. Chou and Y. Deng, Numerical Solutions of aNonlinear Evolution Systemwith Small Dissipation onParallel Processors, J. Sci. Comp.Vol. 13 No. 4 (1998) pp. 405-417

44. Y. Wang and Y. Deng, Multi-item stochastic inventorymodels with constraints and their parallel computation,in ComputationalEconomic Systems: Models. Methods and Econometrics, Advances inComputational Economics,Vol. 5(1996) pp 103-122

45. C-C Chou and Y. Deng, Decomposing 40 Billion Integersby Four TetrahedralNumbers, 数学 Comp.V. 66 N218 (1997) pp. 893-901

46. Y. Deng, J. Glimm, Q. Yu, and M. Eisenberg, GlobalMinimization for Problems with Multiple Local Minima, Appl. Math. Lett.Vol 6 (1993) pp 89-90

47. C-C Chou, Y. Deng, G. Li, and Y. Wang, Parallelizing Strassen's methodfor matrixmultiplication on distributed- memory MIMD architectures,in InternationalJournal of Computers and 数学ematics with Applications,30 (2) (1995)pp 49-69

48. Y. Deng, A. McCoy, R. Marr, R. Peierls, and O. Yasar, Moleculardynamics on distributed-memory MIMD computers with load balancing,Appl.Math Letters,V. 8(3) (1995)pp. 37-41

49. Y. Deng, R. A. McCoy, R. B. Marr, R. F. Peierls and O.Yasar, Molecular 动力学 for 400million particleswith short-ranged interactions, Proceedings of HighPerformance Computing 1995, San Diego, CA (1995) pp 95-100

50. Y. Deng, R. A. McCoy, R. B. Marr, and R. F. Peierls, AnUnconventional Method for Load Balancing, 7th SIAM Conference onParallel Processing, San Francisco, CA (1995) pp. 645-651

51. G. Campbell, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, M. Eisenberg, and A.Grollman, Analysis and prediction of bonding of protein-dnacomplexes on parallel processors, J. Comp. Chem, Vol 17 (15) (1996)pp. 1712-1725.

52. J. Asvestas, B. Bielefeld, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, and F.Tangerman, Boundary integral methods applied to electromagnetic scattering problems onparallel processors,Proc. Amer. 数学 Soc.Vol 122 (1994) pp719-726.

53. Y. Deng and C. N. Yang, Waring's Problem for PyramidalNumbers,Science in China (Series A), 37 (3), (March 1994)pp. 377-383

54. Hu Wang, Y. Deng, J. L. Stephenson, and R. Tewarson, Anefficient algorithm for solving n-nephron models of the Renal Inner Medilla,International Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications,28(5) (1994) pp. 1-12

55. Y. Deng, J. Glimm, and D. Sharp, Mixing and Chaotic Microstructure,Los AlamosScienceNovember Vol. 21 (1993) pp124-132

56. Y. Chen, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, G. Li, D. Sharp, and Q. Zhang, Arenormalization group scaling analysis for compressible two-phase flow,J.Phys. Fluids A5 (11) (1993) pp. 2929-2937

57. G. Campbell, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, and Q. Yu, Analysis andprediction of protein binding on 脱氧核糖核酸: pattern recognition of bonds,in High Performance Computing and its Applications in the Physical Sciences(1993) pp 248-256

58. Romy Hoque and Y. Deng, Frontiers for the Teraflop in the21st Centuryin CSI Communications.Vol. 17 Num. 1 (1993) pp. 5-12

59. Y. Deng and C. N. Yang, Eigenvalues and eigenfunctionsof the Huckel Hamiltonian 60,Physical Letters A,Vol.170 (1992) pp. 116-126.

60. Y. Deng, J. Glimm, and D. H. Sharp, Perspectives on Parallel Computing,DaedalusVol 12 (1992) pp31-52

61. Y. Chen, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, and G. Li, Parallel InterfaceMethods for Multi-phase Flow Problems on iPSC/860,in IntelSupercomputer Systems Conference Proceedings: Technology Focus Conference(1992) pp 377-391

62. Y. Deng and J. Glimm, Fluid Dynamics Using InterfaceMethods on Parallel Processorsin Parallel CFD. Implementations andResults Using Parallel ComputersEd. Horst Simon, MIT Press (1992) 257-270.

63. F. 褐色, N. Christ, Y. Deng, T. Woch, and M. Gao, Nature of the deconfiningphase transition inSU(3) gauge theoryPhys. Rev. Lett.61 (1988) 2058-2062

64. Y. Deng, Simulating lattice gauge theory onspecial-purpose supercomputers, Ph.D. ThesisColumbia University(1989). Generous reference to my thesis.

65. Y. Deng, Energy density and 压强 inSU(3)Lattice Gauge Theory at Finite Temperatureed. A. S. Kronfeldand P. B. Mackenzie, Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.)9 (1989) pp.334-339

66. Y. Deng, The 表演 ofthe microcanonicalupdating algorithm,ed. K. Haller et al. in Proceedings of the Storrs Meeting on Particles andFields,(1989) pp. 238-241, World Scientific, Singapore
