1. 简单百科
  2. 刘锴







学士(工学)城市规划,同济大学,中国,1995.9 ~ 2000.7

硕士(工学)城市规划,同济大学,中国,2000.9 ~ 2003.4

博士(工学)交通工程,名古屋大学日本,2003.10 ~ 2006.9


2003.4 ~ 2003.9: 城市规划研究员,上海市博宏咨询有限公司,上海,中国

2006.10 ~ 2006.12: 博士后研究员, 名古屋市大学环境学研究科,名古屋,日本

2006.10 ~ 2006.12: 研究员(兼职),丰田都市交通研究所,丰田市,日本

2007.1 ~ 2008.3: COE特别研究员, 神户大学工学研究科交通工程,神户,日本

2008.4 ~ 2009.3: 学术推进研究员(博士后研究员), 神户大学工学研究科交通工程,神户,日本

2009.4 ~至今:副教授,大连理工大学交通运输学院



国际著名学术期刊搬运作用 Research Part C 和 Journal of ITS的论文审阅人


















现代城市中心地理论,第四章:市场中心地和零售业立地,理论和应用(Modern Central Place Theory, Chapter 4, Market Centers and Retail Location, Theory and Applications),原著:Brian J.L. Berry等,翻译:王德等,同济大学出版社,2006

刘锴:与计算机技术创造性结合的规划支持系统--巴基斯坦旁遮普省引导工业定位决策的研究案例(Planning-Support System as an Innovative Blend of Computer Tools: An Approach for Guiding Decisions on Industrial Locations in Punjab Province, Pakistan),国外城市规划,2003年05期, 原文发表在2000年第一届世界规划院校大会论文集,著者为Awais Latif Piracha, H.Detlef Kammeier.




Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: Feasibility of Using taxi dispatch systems as probes for collecting traffic information, Journal of Intelligent 搬运作用 Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations, Vol

Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: Study on the Cost-Effectiveness of a Probe Vehicle System at Lower Polling Frequencies, International Journal of ITS Research

Liu, K., Yamamoto, T., Li, Q. and Morikawa, T.: Cost-effectiveness in Probe Vehicle Systems, Journal of Eastern Asia Society for 搬运作用 Studies

Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: An Analysis of the Cost Efficiency of Probe Vehicle 数据 at Different Transmission Frequencies, International Journal of ITS Research

Yamamoto, T., Liu, K. and Morikawa, T.: Preliminary Analysis on Taxi Dispatching Data as Potential Probe Data, Journal of Infrastructure Planning Review, (In Japanese)

Wang, D., Saito S., Zhu, W., Nakashima, T., and Liu, K.: A study on consumer shop-around behaviour at Nanjing Road, Shanghai, Regional Science (In Japanese)


王德,黄万枢,刘锴: 南京市—日交流圈的特征及影响要素分析,现代城市研究

刘锴: 时距圈划分的新技术研究与应用:以上海一日交流圈为例, 中国地理信息系统协会第三次代表大会暨第七届年会论文集,

王德,刘锴: 上海市一日交流圈的动态变化和空间特征,城市规划学刊

王德,刘锴,耿慧志: 沪宁杭地区一日交流圈初探,城市规划学刊


Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: Comparison of 时间/Space Polling Schemes for a Probe Vehicle System, Proceedings of the 14th World Congress on ITS, Scientific Paper, CD-ROM, Beijing, China, Oct. 2007.

Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: Feasibilities and Challenges of Probe Technologies for Real-时间 Traffic 数据 Collection, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Chinese 搬运作用 Professionals, edited by R.F., LIU, ASCE, pp.335-344, Shanghai, China, May, 2007.

Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: “Feasibilities of taxi dispatch system as probes for collecting travel 时间 数据”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on 搬运作用 Network Reliability (INSTR2007), The Hague, July, 2007.

Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: Estimating Delay Time at Signalized Intersections by Probe Vehicles, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Traffic and 搬运作用 Studies (ICTTS), Edited. by K.C.Wang, G. Xiao, L. Nie, \u0026 H. Yang, ASCE, Vol.4, pp 644-655, Science Press, 2006.


Liu, K. and Asakura, Y.: Reconsidering accessibility measurement issues from the aspect of 时间spatial statistics, 4th China-Japan Joint Seminar on Transportation and Urban Planning, Langfang, Hebei Province, China, July 19-21, 2008

Liu, K. and Asakura, Y.: Can Accessibility be Used for Measuring Sustainability of Transport System? International Workshop: Methodologies for Sustainable Transport, Noboribetsu, Hokkaido, Japan, 5th June 2008

Liu, K.: Enhancing the cost-effectiveness of a probe vehicle system through a polling strategy, 3rd China-Japan Joint Seminar on 搬运作用 and Urban Planning, Kumamoto University, Japan, August, 2007

Liu, K.: The mission of probe technologies in maintaining the safety and symbiosis in transportation networks, COE Seminar, 设计 Strategy towards Safety and Symbiosis of Urban Space, Kobe Field Studio, Kobe, July, 2007

Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: Study on the Cost-Effectiveness of a Probe Vehicle System at Lower Transmission Frequencies, Proceedings of the Fifth ITS Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, December, 2006.

Liu, K., Yamamoto, T. and Morikawa, T.: A new method of link travel 时间 measurements from probe 数据 at low 频率, Proceedings of the 34th Conference of Infrastructure Planning, CD-ROM, Takamatsu, Japan, Dec. 2006.

Yamamoto, T. and Liu, K.: Preliminary Analysis on Taxi Dispatching Data as Potential Probe Data, Proceedings of the 32nd Conference of Infrastructure Planning (In Japanese), Miyazaki, Japan, CD-ROM, December, 2005.

Liu, K. and Yamamoto, T.: Effects of Delay 时间 at Intersection on Link Travel Time Estimation, Proceedings of the 5th International Summer Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2005.

Liu, K. and Yamamoto, T.: Comparison of The Variability of Link Travel 时间 Estimates between Different 频率 Probe Vehicle 数据,Proceedings of the 31st conference of Infrastructure Planning, CD-ROM, hiroshima, Japan, June, 2005.

Liu, K. and Yamamoto, T.: An Analysis on Accuracy of Reproduced Route and Speed by Transmitted 数据 at Different 频率 from Probe Vehicle,Proceedings of the 30th Conference of Infrastructure Planning, CD-ROM, Japan, November, 2004.

Wang, D., Saito S., Zhu, W., and Liu, K.: A study on consumer behaviour at Nanjing Road, Shanghai, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of Regional Science (In Japanese), CD-ROM, Japan, December, 2003.


Liu, K.: A review of Shanghai strategy planning in light of road construction and 搬运作用 improvement, (CPIJ-Chubu International Seminar with Oversea Students and Young Foreign Fellow), Nagoya, December 15th, 2006.

Liu, K.: Introduction of Probe Vehicle System in Japan, University of 加利福尼亚州, Davis, USA, September 10th 2007, and University of Washington, USA, September 16th, 2007

Liu, K.: Real-时间 traffic surveillance technologies in advanced 搬运作用 information system, Dalian University of Technology, China, September 26th, 2007

Liu, K.: An introduction of Probe System in Nagoya, Japan and its Cost-Effectiveness in traffic monitoring, University of Florida, USA, December 11th, 2007


1. Top cited and downloaded papers from 2006-2009, Liu et al., “Feasibility of Using taxi dispatch systems as probes for collecting traffic information”, Journal of Intelligent 搬运作用 Systems

2. 第7届日本土木学会国际夏季研讨会,2005.7,优秀论文奖及优秀讲演奖,东京,日本,获奖论文“Effects of Delay 时间 at Intersection on Link Travel Time Estimation”,第一作者。

3. 2005年度湖北省优秀城市规划设计二等奖,湖北省建设厅,获奖项目“仙桃市城市总体规划(2003-2020)”,主要编制人。

4. 2004年金经昌城市规划教育基金会及城市规划会刊优秀论文奖二等奖,获奖论文“上海市一日交流圈的空间特征和动态变化研究”,城市规划学刊2003年第3期,第二作者。

5. 第三届“中图杯”地理信息系统(GIS)青年论文竞赛二等奖(排名第一,一等奖空缺),中国地理信息协会,2003年11月,获奖论文“时距圈划分的新技术研究与应用:以上海一日交流圈为例”,唯一作者。

6. 2002年金经昌城市规划教育基金会及城市规划会刊优秀论文奖三等奖,获奖论文“沪宁杭地区城市一日交流圈的划分与研究”,城市规划学刊2001年第5期,第二作者。
