中国动物学会理事,湖北省暨武汉动物学会理事长。湖北省科学技术协会第六届委员;任《中国动物志》编委,以及《生物多样性》,《动物学研究》,《应用与环境生物学报》和《水生生物学报》编委。先后主持和承担欧盟项目、国家杰出青年基金、国家自然科学重点基金、国家自然科学青年基金、国家863项目和973专题。并任中国科学院创新方向性和前沿项目首席科学家。得到美国NSF有关生命之树项目的资助开展鲤形目系统发育研究。研究工作运用了生物技术、网络和数字化技术相结合的手段,使鱼类系统学和生物地理学这一进化生物学的前沿学科达到了较高的水平。使用多个基因序列数据重建鲤科和鲇形目鱼类的系统(Zhao,Duan et al. 2009; Fu,Chen et al. 2010; 金钟大,Zou et al. 2011; Fu and He 2012; Zou,Guo et al. 2012; Yang,Zou et al. 2013; Yang and He 2014)发育过程、提出了鲤科鱼类系统发育新的模式,保持了对鲤形目鱼类系统学研究在世界上的主导地位。最近,更得到中国科学院战略性先导科技专项项目的资助,这对了解青藏高原和深海,这两个极端环境的鱼类的基因组及其适应进化,有重要意义。所在学科组在选题、使用的理论和方法上都达到国际先进水平并直接参与国际竞争。尤其是在辐鳍鱼类的转录组、基因组、蛋白质组等组学水平的研究,达到国际先进水平。目前,已完成的有鲢鱼、鱼的全基因组,正在进行中的有塞内加尔多鳍鱼、似鲶高原鳅、小眼高原鳅和黑斑原鮡全基因组。成功组装、注释了鲢、鳙鱼的转录组和全基因组,找到鲢鱼的鲢鱼可以在水体中大量滤食有毒蓝藻而不被MC所毒害的原因,可能与鲢鱼体内的GSH合成通路中某些基因在进化过程中受到了正向选择有关,使其适应这种有毒的环境。塞内加尔多鳍鱼,是淡水硬骨鱼的原始类型,是比较古老的辐鳍鱼类。多鳍鱼的全基因组测序工作对了解整个辐鳍鱼类,甚至是四足类的进化有重要意义。而高原鳅和黑斑原鮡,这三种高原鱼类的基因组,有助于对高原这一低氧、低温、高海拔的极端环境的鱼类适应性状的解析。
Yang,L. and S. He (2014). "A bioinformatics-based update on microRNAs and their targets in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)." Gene 533(1): 261-269。
Yang,L.,M. Zou,et al. (2013). "Genome-wide identification,characterization,and expression analysis of lineage-specific genes within 斑马fish." Bmc Genomics 14。
Tao,W.,R. L. Mayden,et al. (2013). "Remarkable phylogenetic resolution of the most complex clade of Cyprinidae (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): A proof of concept of homology assessment and partitioning sequence data integrated with mixed model Bayesian analyses." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66(3): 603-616。
Tao,W.,J. Yuan,et al. (2013). "Characterization of Gonadal Transcriptomes from Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Reveals Differentially Expressed Genes." Plos One 8(5)。
Zou,M.,B. Guo,et al. (2012). "Integrating multi-Origin expression data improves the resolution of deep phylogeny of ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii)." Sci Rep 2。
Fu,B. and S. He (2012). "Transcriptome Analysis of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) by Paired-End 核糖核酸 Sequencing." 脱氧核糖核酸 Research 19(2): 131-142。
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Li,Z.,He,S.,2009. Relaxed purifying selection of rhodopsin gene within a Chinese endemic cavefish genus Sinocyclocheilus (Pisces: Cypriniformes). Hydrobiologia 624,139-149。
Tong,C.B.,Guo,B.C.,He,S.P.,2009. Bead-probe complex capture a couple of SINE and LINE family from genomes of two closely related 物种 of East Asian cyprinid directly using magnetic separation。BMC Genomics 10,-。
Duan,Z.,Zhao,K.,peng,Z.,Li,J.,Diogo,R.,He,S.,Zhao,X.,2009. Comparative phylogeography of the 黄色 River schizothoracine fishes (Cyprinidae): Vicariance,expansion,and recent coalescence in response to the Quaternary environmental upheaval in the Tibetan 高原. 摩尔 Phylogenet Evol。
Guo,B.,Li,J.,Tong,C.,He,S.,2008. Cloning and sequence analysis of Sox genes in a tetraploid cyprinid fish,Tor douronensis. Chin Sci Bull 53,1988-1995。
He,S.,Gu,X.,Mayden,自由欧洲电台,Chen,W.-J.,Conway,K.W.,Chen,Y.,2008b. Phylogenetic position of the enigmatic genus Psilorhynchus (Ostariophysi: Cypriniformes): evidence from the mitochondrial genome. 摩尔 Phylogenet Evol 47,419-425。
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Kong,X.,Wang,X.,Gan,X.,Li,J.,He,S.,2008. Molecular evolution of connective tissue growth factor in Cyprinidae (Teleostei : Cypriniformes). Progr Nat Sci 18,155-160。
Li,J.,Wang,X.,Kong,X.,Zhao,K.,He,S.,Mayden,R.L.,2008. Variation patterns of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene with secondary structure constraints and their application to phylogeny of cyprinine fishes (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). 摩尔 Phylogenet Evol 47,472-487。
Li,Z.,Guo,B.,Li,J.,He,S.,Chen,Y.,2008. Bayesian mixed models and divergence 时间 estimation of Chinese cavefishes (Cyprinidae : Sinocyclocheilus). Chin Sci Bull 53,2342-2352。
Mayden,自由欧洲电台,Tang,K.L.,Wood,R.M.,Chen,W.-J.,Agnew,M.K.,Conway,K.W.,Yang,L.,Simons,A.M.,Bart,H.L,Harris,P.M.,Li,J.,Wang,X.,Saitoh,K.,He,S.,Liu,H.,Chen,Y.,Nishida,M.,Miya,M.,2008. Inferring the Tree of Life of the order Cypriniformes,the 地球's most diverse clade of freshwater fishes: Implications of varied taxon and character sampling. J Syst Evol 46,424-438。
Sullivan,J.P.,peng,Z.,Lundberg,J.G.,Peng,J.,He,S.,2008. Molecular evidence for diphyly of the Asian catfish family Amblycipitidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes) and exclusion of the South American Aspredinidae from Sisoroidea. Proc Acad Nat Sci Phila 157,51-65。
Yang,L.,He,S.,2008. Phylogeography of the freshwater catfish Hemibagrus guttatus (鲇形目,鲿科): Implications for South China 生物地理学 and influence of sea-level changes. 摩尔 Phylogenet Evol 49,393-398。
Guo,X.,He,S.,Zhang,Y.,2007. Phylogenetic relationships of the Chinese sisorid catfishes: a nuclear intron versus mitochondrial gene approach. Hydrobiologia 579,55-68。
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Huang,S.,He,S.,peng,Z.,Zhao,K.,Zhao,E.,2007. Molecular phylogeography of endangered sharp-snouted pitviper (Deinagkistrodon acutus; Reptilia,Viperidae) in Chinese mainland. 摩尔 Phylogenet Evol 44,942-952。
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