1. 简单百科
  2. 葛坚


葛坚是一位眼科教授、博士生导师,曾任中山大学中山眼科中心主任和眼科学国家重点实验室主任。他还担任过美国休斯顿大学客座教授和香港理工大学荣誉教授。葛坚是国家973项目首席科学家,中华医学会眼科学分会名誉主任委员,中国医师协会眼科学分会副主任委员,中华眼科学会青光眼学组前任组长,广东省眼科医师学会主任委员,世界青光眼协会常务理事。此外,他还是《中华眼科杂志》及《眼科研究》的副总编,以及《Clinical and Experimental Optometry》《Journal of Glaucoma》的编委。葛坚擅长青光眼早期诊断、手术治疗和激光治疗,曾获国家科技进步二等奖。目前,他是中山大学眼科中心青光眼专科主任医师和眼科学国家重点实验室终身名誉主任。


葛坚教授从事眼科临床及研究工作30余年,在青光眼诊治、白内障超声乳化与眼内窥镜激光治疗疑难青光眼、干细胞研究、近视眼防治等方面有较高的造诣。所领导的团队相继获得了973计划、863重大专项、卫生部临床重点学科项目、教育部科学技术研究重大项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等多项基金的资助,获得国家科技进步二等奖、教育部及广东省科技进步一等奖等奖项十余次。截至目前,单独或与他人合作发表论文330篇,其中SCI收录论文140篇。主编卫生部统编七年制以及八年制《眼科学》教材、教育部五年制《眼科学》教材和《现代青光眼研究进展》。已培养博士研究生71名,已出站博士后8名,其中17人次获得国家自然科学基金,1人获得全国百篇优秀博士论文奖。分别获得“全国医院优秀院长”、 “广东省优秀院长”、 “中华眼科杰出成就奖”、“中国医师奖”、亚太眼科学会“杰出服务奖”、中美眼科学会“金钥匙奖”、世界青光眼协会“高级研究科学家奖”(“Senior Research Scientist”奖)和“突出贡献奖(The World 青光眼 Association Recognition Award)”,澳大利亚政府“杰出创新奖”(“Excellence in Innovation”奖),亚太眼科学会“最高学术奖”(“De Ocampo”奖)等荣誉。


1、国家自然科学基金重点项目一项(“可降解干细胞组织工程化视网膜膜片修复视神经病变的机制及疗效研究”,项目编号: 81430009,2015-2019)(第一负责人,研究经费320万)


(1)mRNA 诱导视网膜母细胞瘤细胞去编程为视网膜前体细胞及其功能的研究(项目编号:81170846,2012-2015)(第一负责人,研究经费60万)



1. Wei Chi, Fei Li... Ge J*,Robert N. Weinre,Kang Zhang, and Yehong Zhuo, Caspase-8 promotes NLRP1/NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β production in acute 青光眼,PNAS,Jun 11,2014

2. He Y, Leung KW, Ren Y, Pei JZ, Ge J*, Tombran-Tink J. PEDF Improves Mitochondrial 函数 in RPE cells During Oxidative Stress. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 Sep 11.

3. Xi L, Wang T, Zhao F, Zheng Q, Li X, Luo J, Liu J, Quan D, Ge J*. Evaluation of an injectable thermosensitive hydrogel as drug delivery implant for ocular 青光眼 surgery. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 20;9(6)

4. Chen P, Hu H, Chen Z, Cai X, Zhang Z, Yang Y, Yu N, Zhang J, Xia L, Ge J*, Yu K, 壮族 J. BRCA1 silencing is associated with failure of 脱氧核糖核酸 repairing In retinal neurocytes. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 11;9(6).

5. Huang R, Ge J*, Chen G, Gao X, Laties AM, Zhang X. Four Measures of Intraocular 压强 Fluctuation: Which Correlates Most Optimally With Actual OffICEhour Readings? J 青光眼 2014 Apr 25.

6. Liu B, Zhu Y, Zhou J, Wei Y, Long C, Chen M, Ling Y, Ge J*, Zhuo Y. ndoplasmic reticulum stress promotes amyloid-beta peptides production in RGC-5 cells. Cell Stress Chaperones. 2014 Mar 19.

7. Huang J, Ling Y, Lin M, Wu Z, Cheng B, Ge J*. Ten-year follow-up of familial nanophthalmos in three siblings. Eye Sci. 2013 Sep;28(3):113-8.

8. Cai X, Chen Z, pan X, Xia L, Chen P, Yang Y, Hu H, Zhang J, Li K, Ge J*, Yu K, 壮族 J. 性抑制 of angiogenesis, 纤维化 and thrombosis by tetramethylpyrazine: mechanisms contributing to the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis. PLoS One.2014 Feb 5;9(2).

9. Lai K、Jin C、Tu S、Xiong Y、Huang R、 Ge J*, Intravitreal injection of99Tc-MDP inhibits the development of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization in rhesus monkeys, Graefes 弓形 Clin Exp Ophthalmol, Jan 5, 2014

10. Wang Z、Huang J、Lin J、Liang X、Cai X、 Ge J*,Quantitative Measurements of the Ciliary Body in Eyes with Malignant 青光眼 after Trabeculectomy Using Ultrasound Biomicroscopy,Ophthalmology,Dec 6,2013

11. Yang X、Su W、Wang M、Bai Y、Li Y、 Ge J*, Zhuo Y Effect of anterior chamber paracentesis on initial treatment of acute angle closure,Can J Ophthalmol,(6)48553-8,2013

12. Yang XJ、 Ge J*、Zhuo YH,Role of mitochondria in the 病程 and treatment of 青光眼 Chin Med J (Engl),126(22),4358-65,Nov 2013

13. Huang J、Wang Z、Wu Z、Li Z、Lai K、 Ge J*,Comparison of Ocular Biometry Between Eyes With Chronic Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma and their Fellow Eyes With Primary Angle-Closure or Primary Angle-Closure Suspect,J 青光眼,Jun 25 2013

14. Yang Y、Tian S、Brown B、Chen P、Hu H、Xia L、Zhang J、Cai X、Chen Z、pan X、 Ge J、Yu K、壮族 J,The Rb1 gene inhibits the viability of retinoblastoma cells by regulating homologous recombination,Int J 摩尔 Med, 32(1),137-43,Jul 2013

15. Yu D、Chen M、Sun X、 Ge J*,Differentiation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells into corneal epithelial-like cells,Cell Biol Int, 37(1),87-94,Jan 2013

16. Deng F、Hu H、Chen M、Sun X、Liu X、Dong Z、Liu Y、Xi L、壮族 J、 Ge J*,Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human Tenon's 荚膜 fibroblasts,摩尔 Vis,18,2871-81,2012

17. Chen M、Huang J、Yang X、Liu B、Zhang W、Huang L、Deng F、Ma J、Bai Y、 Lu R、Huang B、Gao Q、Zhuo Y、 Ge J*,Serum starvation induced cell cycle synchronization facilitates human somatic cells reprogramming,PLoS One,7(4):e28203,2012

18. Lu R、Qu Y、 Ge J*、Zhang L、Su Z、Pflugfelder SC、Li DQ,Transcription factor TCF4 maintains the properties of human corneal epithelial stem cells,Stem Cells, 30(4),753-61,Apr 2012

19. Lu R、Zhang X、Huang D、Huang B、Gao N、Wang Z、 Ge J*,Conjunctival reconstruction with progenitor 细胞derived autologous epidermal sheets in rhesus monkey,PLoS One,6(11),e25713,2011

20. Li Y、Zhang Q、Yin X、Yang W、Du Y、Hou P、 Ge J*、Liu C、Zhang W、Zhang X、Wu Y、Li H、Liu K、Wu C、Song Z、Zhao Y、Shi Y、Deng H,Generation of iPSCs from mouse fibroblasts with a single gene, Oct4, and small molecules,细胞 Res,21(1):196-204,Jan 2011

21. Ma J、Kabiel M、Tucker BA、 Ge J*、Young MJ,Combining chondroitinase ABC and growth factors promotes the integration of murine retinal progenitor cells transplanted into Rho(-/-) mice,摩尔 Vis, 17,1759-70,2011

22. Sun X、Chen M、Li J、壮族 J、Gao Q、Zhong X、Huang B、Zhang W、Huang L、 Ge J*,E13.5 retinal progenitors induce mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells to differentiate into retinal progenitor-like cells, Cytotherapy,13(3),294-303,Mar 2011

23. Cui D、Trier K、Zeng J、Wu K、Yu M、Hu J、Chen X、 Ge J*,Effects of 7-methylxanthine on the sclera in form deprivation myopia in guinea pigs,Acta Ophthal摩尔,89(4),328-34,Jun,2011

24. Wan P、Wang X、Ma P、Gao N、 Ge J*、Mou Y、Wang Z,细胞 delivery with fixed amniotic membrane reconstructs corneal epithelium in rabbits with limbal stem cell deficiency,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,52(2),724-30, 2011

25. Qi Y、Zhang F、Song G、Sun X、Jiang R、Chen M、 Ge J*,Cholinergic neuronal differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in rhesus monkeys,Sci China Life Sci,53(5),573-80,2010

26. Chen M、Chen Q、Sun X、Shen W、Liu B、Zhong X、Leng Y、Li C、Zhang W、Chai F、Huang B、Gao Q、Xiang AP、Zhuo Y、 Ge J*,Generation of retinal ganglion-like cells from reprogrammed mouse fibroblasts,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,51(11),5970-8,2010

27. Cui D、Trier K、Zeng J、Wu K、Yu M、 Ge J*,腺苷 receptor protein changes in guinea pigs with form deprivation myopia,Acta Ophthalmol, 88(7),759-65,Nov 2010

28. Guan L、Yu J、Zhong L、Huang B、Luo T、Zhang M、Lin S、Li W、 Ge J* 、Chen X、Liu Q、Zeng MZ、Song X,Biological safety of human skin-derived stem cells after long-term in vitro culture,J Tissue Eng Regen Med,2010

29. Ke Q、Wang X、Gao Q、Wu Z、Wan P、Zhan W、 Ge J*、Wang Z,Carrier-free epithelial cell sheets prepared by enzymatic degradation of 胶原蛋白 gel,J Tissue Eng Regen Med,5(2),138-45,2010

30. Zhuo YH、He Y、Leung KW、Hou F、Li YQ、Chai F、 Ge J*,Dexamethasone disrupts intercellular junction formation and 细胞骨架 organization in human trabecular meshwork cells,摩尔 Vis,16,61-71,2010

31. Liu Y、Ding Y、Ma P、Wu Z、Duan H、Liu Z、Wan P、Lu X、Xiang P、 Ge J*、Wang Z,Enhancement of long-term proliferative capacity of rabbit corneal epithelial cells by embryonic stem cell conditioned medium,Tissue Eng Part C Methods,16(4),793-802,2010

32. Yuan J、Yu JX、 Ge J* ,Sexual dimorphism on the neurogenic potential of rhesus monkeys mesenchymal stem cells,Biochem Biophys Res Commun,396(2),394-400,2010

33. Chai F、Luo R、Li Y、Bai Y、He Y、Wei Y、Yan Z、 Ge J*、Zhuo Y,Down-regulation of GRP78 in human 青光眼tous trabecular meshwork cells,摩尔 Vis,16,1122-31,2010

34. Liu Y、Jiang Z、Gao Q、 Ge J*、 Chen J、Cao X、Shen Q、Ma P,Technical standards of a foldable capsular vitreous body in terms of mechanical, optical, and biocompatible properties,Artif Organs,34(10),836-45, 2010

35. Song J、Li Y、 Ge J* 、Duan Y、Sze SC、Tong Y、Shaw PC、Ng TB、Tsui KC、Zhuo Y、Zhang KY,Protective effect of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extracts on cultured human corneal limbal epithelial cells (HCLEC),Phytother Res,24(4),520-4,2010

36. Ge J*、Sun XH,、Wang NL、Zhao JL、Wu LL、Chen XM、Wang ZX、Li B,Intraocular 压强 lowering efficacy and safety of travoprost 0.004% as a replacement therapy in patients with open angle 青光眼 or ocular hypertension,Chin Med J (Engl),123(11),1417-21,2010

37. Yang Z、Lan W、 Ge J*、Liu W、Chen X、Chen L、Yu M,The effectiveness of progressive addition lenses on the progression of myopia in 汉语词类 children. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt,29(1),41-8,Jan,2009

38. Yin Q、Hu A、Liang Y、Zhang J、He M、Lam DS、 Ge J*、Wang N、Friedman DS、Zhao J、Congdon N,A two-site, 种群based study of barriers to 白内障 surgery in rural China,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 50(3),1069-75,Mar 2009

39. Liu B、Rasool S、Yang Z、Glabe CG、Schreiber SS、 Ge J*、Tan Z,Amyloid-peptide vaccinations reduce {beta}-amyloid plaques but exacerbate vascular deposition and inflammation in the retina of Alzheimer's transgenic 鼠科,Am J Pathol,175(5),2099-110,2009

40. Shao T、Gao Q、Jiang R、Duan Y、Sun X、 Ge J*,Dynamic alteration of low-密度 lipoprotein receptor after exposure to transforming growth factor-beta2 in human Tenon's capsule fibroblasts. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther,25(6),499-506,2009

41. Sun X、Jiang R、Zhang Y、Chen M、Xiang P、Qi Y、Gao Q、Huang B、 Ge J*, Gene expression and differentiation characteristics in mice E13.5 and E17.5 neural retinal progenitors,摩尔 Vis,15,2503-14,2009

42. 壮族 J、Li F、Liu X、Liu Z、Lin J、Ge Y、Kaminski JM、Summers JB、Wang Z、 Ge J* 、Yu K,Lithium 氯代十六烷 protects retinal neurocytes from nutrient deprivation by promoting 脱氧核糖核酸 non-homologous end-joining,Biochem Biophys Res Commun,380(3),650-4,2009

43. Zhuo YH、Wang M、Li Y、Hao YT、Lin MK、Fang M、 Ge J*,Phacoemulsification treatment of subjects with acute primary angle closure and chronic primary angle-closure 青光眼,J Glaucoma,18(9),646-51,2009

44. Gao Q、Tan J、Ma P、 Ge J*、Liu Y、Sun X、Zhou L,PKC alpha affects cell cycle progression and proliferation in human RPE cells through the downregulation of p27kip1,摩尔 Vis,15,2683-95,2009

45. He Y、Leung KW、Zhuo YH、 Ge J*,Pro370Leu mutant myocilin impairs mitochondrial functions in human trabecular meshwork cells,Mol Vis, 15、815-25,2009

46.Yang Z、Lan W、 Ge J* 、Liu W、Chen X、Chen L、Yu M,The effectiveness of progressive addition lenses on the progression of myopia in 汉语词类 children. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt,29(1),41-8,2009

47. Gao Q、Chen X、 Ge J*、Liu Y、Jiang Z、Lin Z、Liu Y,Refractive shifts in four selected artificial vitreous substitutes based on Gullstrand-Emsley and Liou-Brennan schematic eyes,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci,50(7),3529-34,2009

48. Wang Y、Guo L、Ren L、Yin S、 Ge J*、Gao Q、Luxbacher T、Luo S,A study on the 表演 of hyaluronic acid immobilized 几丁聚糖 电影,Biomed Mater,4(3), 035009,2009

49. Liu Q、To CH、 Ge J* 、Chan CY、Lv L、Lam TC、Siu AW,Astigmatic shift and conjunctival epithelial ingrowths following late-onset iatrogenic LASIK flap dehiscence during scleral buckling surgery,Clin Exp Optom,92(6),500-2,2009

50. Huang DP、Zhuo YH、Cai JH、Xu N、Zhong XF、Yu YY、Lai ZG、Gong D、 Ge J*,Histological and ultrastructural study on the medial canthal ligament of blepharo包茎, ptosis and epicanthus Inversus 综合征,Chin Med J (Engl),122(22),2700-4,2009

51. Zhang X、Du S、Fan Q、peng S、Yu M、 Ge J*,Long-term surgical outcomes of primary congenital glaucoma in China,Clinics (Sao Paulo),64(6), 543-51,2009

52. Lan YQ、Zhang C、Xiao JH、Zhuo YH、Guo H、Peng W、 Ge J*,Suppression of IkappaBalpha increases the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in human ciliary muscle cells,摩尔 Vis,15,1977-87,2009

53. Wu Z、Zhou Y、Li N、Huang M、Duan H、 Ge J* 、Xiang P、Wang Z,The use of phospholipase A(2) to prepare acellular porcine corneal stroma as a tissue engineering 脚手架 Biomaterials,30(21),3513-22,2009

54. Chen M、Sun X、Jiang R、Shen W、Zhong X、Liu B、Qi Y、Huang B、Xiang AP、 Ge J*,Role of MEF feeder cells in direct reprogramming of mousetailtip fibroblasts,Cell Biol Int,33(12),1268-73,2009




Caspase-8 promotes NLRP1/NLRP3 inflammasome activation and IL-1β production in acute glaucoma.pubmed.2015-03-01

PEDF improves mitochondrial function in RPE cells during oxidative stress..pubmed.2015-04-03